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The summit of the future: in Rome we will talk about international cooperation, multilateralism and the role of civil society

The society? civil society plays a fundamental role in shaping a future which, today more than ever, requires multilateral approaches to ensure the achievement of Goals of the 2030 Agenda. We will talk about it today 8 May during an event organized in Rome byItalian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), in collaboration with the Generation Cooperation Projectfinanced by AICS – AItalian Agency for Development Cooperation.?

The events in Nairobi and New York. The objective is to create a connection between the Sustainable Development Festival, the largest civil society mobilization on sustainability carried out by ASviS and now in its eighth edition, and the Society Conference? UN civil ceremony of 2024 to be held? in Nairobi on 9-10 May in support of the Future Summit, which will take place? on September 22 and 23 at the General Assembly in New York, which will result? an Intergovernmental Pact for the future, attached to a? Global digital compact? and to a Declaration on Future Generations.

Italy’s leadership role in the G7. Will Italy have? the presidency of the G7, and should he? therefore take on the leadership role of the group of countries most? industrialized people of the world, directing their action and commitments. From this perspective, the event will put? comparing national and international institutions, representatives of society? civil and sector experts to explore the role that partnership and international cooperation can have in consolidating and strengthening multilateralism and building a more sustainable world. fair, sustainable and inclusive.

The challenges to face. In particular, we will discuss the role that development cooperation policy should play to help overcome interrelated crises, wars, climate warming, inequalities, discussing the issue from different perspectives, from the Western and European to the African one and Latin American, with the new generations. Asking to reach the target of 0.7% of gross national income for public development assistance.

How to follow the event. Will the event be? available with simultaneous Italian-English translation. You can follow the event in person or also on festivalsvilupposostenibile.iton the ASviS Facebook page and on the ASviS YouTube channel.

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– 2024-05-08 15:13:14

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