The Summer Olympic Games in Paris are coming to an end and Latvian Radio will also broadcast the last program “Olympic Games – Paris 2024”. But the athlete who ended Latvia’s participation in this Olympiad, yesterday, August 10, was Pavel Švetsovs, who collected 1452 points and took 17th position in the pentathlon finals of the day today.

Fencing results came from the first day of the competition, and gave our athlete a good starting position – third place. Modern pentathlon is a sport in which everything depends not only on the athlete, but also on the horse that is drawn for riding. Well, if a suitable horse was drawn for Švetsov in the semi-final, which allowed him to do the show jumping without a penalty point, but this time the mare could not make friends with Pavel and three fallen obstacles followed, which also had a great effect. the total result for the Latvian athlete. Even Shvetsov himself directly identified riding as a handicap after the competition.

Shvetsov’s coach from Riga, Mihails Yefremenko, is a Ukrainian who moved to Latvia in 2004 and became a citizen of Latvia two years later. He still keeps in touch with his friends and acquaintances in Ukraine and expressed his happiness that the athletes of the country torn by the war started by Russia presented themselves with honor at the Games Paris.