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The student who loved a “monster”, subjected to terrible humiliations. The man filmed the scenes and showed them to his wife

A 44-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman, both from Deva, were convicted of deprivation of liberty and blackmail after torturing a teenage girl with whom the Devan had had an extramarital affair.

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The Deva court sentenced Ovidiu T. to three years and two months in prison, and his former relative, who helped him commit the aggression, to one year in prison. The sentence is not final and has been challenged, and the case was sent to the Alba Iulia Court of Appeal, for the judgment of the appeal.

The student, the mistress of the 18-year-old married man

The victim of the two was a student born in 1992, who had moved to Deva in 2017 to complete her studies. The teenager, whose mother had left the country, enrolled in the evening at the “Grigore Moisil” Technological High School and moved to a rented studio in Deva, where she lived alone.

In 2018, he started attending the bar owned by the defendant in the vicinity of the high school. There he also met Ovidiu T., the man who would cause him severe trauma.

“In the spring of 2018, during May, although the defendant was in a marriage relationship of about 18 years, with two minor children, the defendant and the injured person began an intimate relationship, between them consuming several oral sex, either at the home of the injured person or at the defendant’s home. Although the injured person wanted the relationship between him and the defendant to develop on several levels, the defendant limited himself to oral sexual acts, considering that this would not commit adultery, and on the other hand that the injured person does not deserve more consideration from sa ”, is shown in the file.

Surprised by his wife

The teenager, who was 16 in 2018, started being jealous of her lover’s family, and at one point, even threatening his wife.

“Between June and July 2018, the defendant was caught by his wife in the bar belonging to the company he runs, while having an oral sex with the injured person, which caused a conflict in the family, as well as the departure of his wife from the marital home. In the context described above, in order to prove to his wife the feelings of affection he would have for her and the frivolity or lack of emotional involvement in any other temporary sexual intercourse, the defendant decided to produce evidence in this regard, consisting in an audio-video recording, in which, on the one hand, by humiliating behavior towards the injured person, to prove nothing of this person in his eyes, on the other hand, to obtain his promise that he will never intervene in the relationship marital, as well as the expression of explicit excuses towards his wife “, it is shown in the file.

On the evening of August 22, 2018, together with an employee of his, the Devean called the teenager to the bar and they drank alcohol. At one point, he asked the student to accompany him to his home behind the bar building. “There, he told her that she would be tied to the chair she was sitting in, to see how the criminals were being held. Initially, the injured person did not show any particular concern and interpreted the whole activity as a game, this idea being induced by the defendant until he managed to immobilize her, tying his hands and feet to the elements of the chair with adhesive tape. , tight enough that the victim could not free himself to leave the room “, the investigators showed.

The evil plan of the “monster”

After immobilizing her, the assailant asked the girl to apologize to his wife, while his employee was filming the scene. Seeing that the teenager is not determined to do this, he slapped her on the face, causing her nose to bleed.

“Throughout the recording, the defendant, cruelly, repeatedly hit the injured person, usually in the face, pulled his hair, stained his face, scalp and T-shirt with his blood, insulted him and said insulting, threats of violence and death, apologizing to his wife and promising not to look for him again. Although the injured person asked the defendant to commit every act of physical violence, not to hit him, he continued the physical aggression and submission to humiliation, reproaching him for destroying his family “, the file shows.

The treatment that the teenager suffered was a degrading one. The entire eight-minute scene was filmed with a cell phone.

“At one point, the defendant completely undressed and, holding the injured person by the chin, threatened to kill him, to disfigure him, spreading the blood from his face to the top of his head, then holding on to his genitals, he stated that “I p. You”, during which the victim repeatedly addressed the defendant “please forgive me”. During the video, the defendant, noticing the blood dripping on the injured person’s face due to the nosebleed, exclaimed “look how the blood flows from you, take and eat, eat, the blood”, inserting his stained finger in his mouth, then stick his arm saying “kiss this vein from which my blood flowed.” Subsequently, the defendant reproaches the injured person for destroying his life in the last month, reason for which in case he will stay in Deva for more than two months, “he will give it to the gypsies”, to “put it in the mail”. then, staining his finger with blood again, he takes it to the injured person’s mouth, telling him to “take out his tongue and taste, as you tasted from my father.” He picked up the injured person’s T-shirt, ironically attacking himself “are these tits?” and he goes to a piece of furniture in the kitchen, at which point the victim shouts desperately in his voice: not the knife, please don’t ”, the file shows.

With the knife to his neck

The second video, lasting about a minute, made on the same occasion, surprised the man with a kitchen knife in his hand, which he held with the blade attached to the girl’s neck, asking him to swear that she will not look for him again, and will apologize again to his wife. After filming this scene, Ovidiu T. released the teenager.

“After a while, the defendant showed the filming to his wife, from whom he had already actually separated, to show her that he had nothing to do with the person with whom he was caught in the bar while having oral sex.” is shown in the file.

His wife divorced him and even asked for a protection order against him, due to the aggressions committed.

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