Home » today » World » The stroking of Borisov’s head continues – 2024-08-22 18:57:32

The stroking of Borisov’s head continues – 2024-08-22 18:57:32

/ world today news/ The hat-trick premier’s tour of Europe can be summed up in one telegraphic line: “Borisov visited Paris and Berlin, why?” For whose, as they would say in Konyovitsa. But for that, what a sincere excitement flows from the pages of the court press in Sofia.

“Borisov entered the Elysée Palace, Macron met him,” wrote a watchmaking newspaper. You see a significant event. In fact, in the palace of the French kings, emperors, presidents, more odious figures than the former gavazin have been promoted. And Macron, as a sunny and energetic person, according to B.B.’s definition, a true Frenchman and a good host – will naturally welcome him. Not that he is afraid that the guest from Bankya might steal something in the commotion or pinch his bride in a delicate place. But the title thunders, as if ours will remain in the house on rue Faubourg Saint Honore in the 8th arrondissement of Paris at least until retirement.

“Steinmeier to Borissov: Europe needs you and your government” (punctuation in the original), enthusiastically quotes the same newspaper. The correspondents accepted as authoritative the ignorance, accepted some time ago by the boring synodal elders from the Institute of Bulgarian Language at BAS, that the form “you/you” should be spelled with a capital letter not only in official correspondence? Or when it comes to Him and His government, is the raised letter now mandatory?

“Merkel is moved in front of Borisov, praises him for the border”, reports an electronic edition, garnishing the entrée file with a touching Instagram picture of the Balkan macho frau softened in the arms. She will praise him. As long as Afghans, Pakistanis, and Syrians are smeared on the Bulgarian highways, and not on the Swabian autobahns – that is something to be proud of.

What did Macron and Merkel actually tell us beyond the fanfare interpretation of our first minister? That they support us, that we will enter Schengen and the ERM II waiting room (the Russians have a more suitable word for this god-pleasing place preceding the actual Eurozone – “predbannik”: where you strip naked before entering to be soaped or washed) . We’ll get in, but… once we meet our criteria. Usually, when using “but”, only the second part of the sentence is important.

Did Borisov have to travel to European capitals to hear him? Well, our national team will also play at the World Cup next year, if they pass the qualifications. They can win it if… And Ivancho will enter the university if they don’t fail him in the exams. And a businessman will tie a public order if he pushes the right person the right amount…

That last one was probably not a good example. Because as much as Macron loves Bulgaria and is ready to immediately run to our country, courtesy of the prime minister, as much as Merkel is familiar with the Bulgarian roots of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius and will send Boyko a congratulatory message on May 24, corruption is one of the criteria , which we never manage to overcome. And in telling President Steinmeier that Europe needs his government, he is hardly referring to certain practices characteristic of Borisov’s two previous administrations. Because the third does not show any symptoms of healing processes. The prosecutor’s office works more ostentatiously than effectively, the media barks, the remediation is going on, they want mayors, state administrators, doctors, magistrates, lawyers, border guards, customs officers, professors, judges for registrations and deregistrations. Enterprising cronies are listening to see if profitable drainage is being set for some highway, for some boundary to stretch a wire on one or two lines, for some police department that found that in addition to the cameras, the radios do not work in the patrol cars, so that they can supply new ones… Optimism it gets to the point where we replace everything said by European politicians after the “but” with “another time”.

And another thing that can please us a little. European applause for the successful protection of the EU’s external border. Rather, encouraging praise for a couple who has reached a cherished three – dare, my boy, today like this, tomorrow more. Because border security in light of recent events is at a premium only in our own eyes peering over the fence. Because the situation with the permeability of entry and exit from Bulgaria cannot even be called satisfactory. It’s just that the competent services register only what they see. Or they can see. The rest comes to light in the next incident. And here we rely again on “another time”. Let’s not decide to write a “red dot” that by creating conditions for road traffic trauma with a fatal outcome, we are helping to limit the flow of refugees to the West. Political cynicism is not foreign to some Bulgarian rulers.

In fact, Prime Minister Borisov’s statement to the Bulgarian editorial of the anti-Bulgarian DW is cynicism or narcissism, why the Macedonian leaders Zaev, Gruevski and Ivanov called him after the events in the parliament in Skopje:Because they have convinced themselves that I am not only a good person, but I really really want Macedonia as a country to be stable..” No one doubts the latter. The first, however, is the subject of specialized psychological analysis.

Tsars, popes, patriarchs, presidents and chancellors caress Borisov on the head (the media even kiss him in a place recommended by our literary hero). Other relatives pat him on the Pehlivan back. Even Putin tends to still talk to him on the phone. Not because they like it. It’s just comfortable enough. They really want to have a stable Bulgaria in the Balkans. To the extent that the rulers in Sofia stably protect exactly their interests. Bulgaria should guard their external border, promote their foreign policy, serve as a mediator where direct dialogue would not always look good in the eyes of their own citizens (the case with Turkey), the country should be a training ground for their troops and a playground for their PRO. They don’t care if the Bulgarian society is poor, hungry, ignorant, sick, if they eat garbage, as long as they are from the right importer. They don’t cry that our army rucksack is empty, but in the Bulgarian air they fly second-hand taratas, as long as they are from the right supplier, and our brave, wet, hungry, tired soldier serves the right cause. Corruption concerns them only to the extent that it harms their business interests. It worries them that we are energy dependent, only if we are dependent not on them…

So Borisov did not bring any news from abroad to justify the beefy enthusiasm in the public space. Even the fact that they will be with us for a successful presidency of the Council of the EU is not a reason for applause – no presiding country has encountered obstructions from the others. Bon ton, Borisov’s Elysian host would say.

Well, the same sunny and energetic Marcon will bring the charming first Madame de France at sea in August. Frau Merkel, if she happens to win the September elections in her home country, will be gone until Christmas. And that’s something. Aren’t we just exporters of political tourism?

And Borisov will soon have another complicated diplomatic mission. To drink Turkish coffee with baklava by the Bosphorus. I hope they pat him on the head. Just…

#stroking #Borisovs #continues

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