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The Street star has given birth to a beautiful baby boy! She was given a traditional Czech name

Vanda’s representative from the popular series Ulice Kristýna Hrušínská is a mother for the second time! She gave her eldest Vojtík a little brother early for Christmas. You have a beautiful Czech name.

Together with her husband Matěj Balcar, Kristýna Hrušínská became parents twice! They gave birth to a beautiful boy, Jakub. The actress announced the happy news on Instagram.

He captioned the heartwarming photo, in which he smiles proudly, simply “Jakub.” So he finally revealed his chosen name to the excited fans. “Hey, I’m a boy,” he added.

Not too long ago, she kept her fans in suspense as to whether she and her partner were expecting a boy or a girl. “Are there 3 guys and a girl in the picture or 2 guys and 2 girls?” wrote Hrušínská to one of the photos.

He reported on the latest addition to the su family instagram and a proud father. “Our second boyfriend, Jakub Balcar. All are healthy,” he wrote her. He added that his wife is happy and the father has already started drinking. The celebrations for the birth of little Kubík will certainly be spectacular.

The daughter of Jan Hrušínský and Miluša Šplechtová has welcomed another beautiful baby into the family. Together with her husband they are already raising little Vojtík. According to her photos, she was really looking forward to seeing her little brother.

The TV Nova presenter will soon become a father. They are already clear about the name of the child:


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