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The strangest habits of the stars … Farid al-Atrash eats food for 5 people, and he does not have a fork or knife

Art stars possess special talents and abilities in the arts in which they shine, whether singing, acting, dancing, etc., but sometimes some of these stars possessed special abilities that exceed the ability of ordinary people, and if the audience knew them, they might see in them a miracle and something surprising and beyond the reasonable framework, as was the number of They have strange habits and weaknesses that the public does not know about them.

In a rare issue of Al-Kawkab magazine, the magazine published some of these special abilities or strange habits that characterize a number of the stars of the beautiful time, under the title “It is not reasonable”

Al-Kawakeb indicated that the great musician Farid Al-Atrash was reasonable in everything except for one thing, which is his extreme appetite for food, as he used to eat food for five people, and he was eating quickly and could beat 3 people in the amount of food they ate if they started a race with him.

Farid al-Atrash used to eat alone two pairs of stuffed pigeons, a large chicken, a meat plate and another Iraqi rice, unlike the varieties of vegetables, fruits and sweets in one meal, and it was strange that he could eat this meal at 3 in the morning.

In special statements on the seventh day, the technical historian Na`im Al-Mamoun said that Farid Al-Atrash was simple, modest and not pretentious.

Al-Mamoun explained that many may believe that Farid Al-Atrash was a man of “etiquette” who ate according to well-known rules and regulations in table manners, but he was in fact eating with his hands in the Arab way, and he hated using the fork and knife unless he shared food with strangers, and he rarely invited strangers to his table. , Which was always full of eaters from his friends and colleagues and the delicious and delicious types of food, and he used to feed his colleagues and countless guests with his hands.

Al-Mamoun added that Farid Al-Atrash’s secretary and secretary of his secrets confirmed that he was finding happiness in eating and he loved his stomach and said: (Why did he not create two stomachs for a human being), and he did not deprive his stomach of anything, and he loved the filtered muddara and the pulpit with oil and the trotters.

In the introduction to his book, “Farid Al-Atrash, the Faris of Melody, Creativity and Eternity,” writer Majdi Salama said in the introduction to his book, that Farid was eccentric, and his behavior was astonishing and surprising, so he ate with his hand while in the company of kings and princes, as well as while he was in the largest restaurants in Paris, London and Switzerland, as he was fond of He ate koshari, meat, tongue and gem, from which he used to eat so greedily that he used to ruin his clothes.

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