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The strange transformation of SVP representatives


“Sustainable” self-interests: The strange transformation of SVP representatives

Cantonal councils are primarily representatives of the people – and not industry representatives. In the Thurgau Great Council, however, the different interests keep getting mixed up and sometimes take surprising turns.

Bridges in wood or concrete in the future? The picture shows the old wooden bridge near Eschikofen in a picture from 2002.

Image: Barbara Hettich

Bridges made of Thurgau wood – that sounds bold and tempting at the same time. Bold because of the high static and structural requirements that are placed on this building material, tempting because of the natural raw material that is constantly growing on the doorstep. But especially when everything seems so tempting at first glance, it pays to ask critical questions.

There was little to be heard of critical questioning in the discussion on the interpellation “Thurgau wood instead of concrete”. On the contrary. Four speakers from the ranks of the SVP threw themselves into the stuff for Thurgauer Holz: a master farmer, a building contractor, a district forester and a head of timber construction. One can assume that they did it out of inner conviction – whether as lobbyists or as cantonal councillors, remains an open question.

But disillusionment soon followed: the same people’s party spoke out in no uncertain terms against the creation of a permanent “Climate, Energy and Environment” commission. One might ask oneself: Is the commitment to more sustainability only appropriate if it serves to protect one’s own interests?

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