Each person follows a different habit of sleeping deeply, some prefer to sleep over listening to music, others prefer to embrace a pillow, and some prefer to sleep to the sound of a washing machine and other habits that help them sleep, and the stars of the beautiful time had some strange sleeping habits that we review in this report.
The strange sleeping habits of the stars of the beautiful time
Coca the artist
Al Kawakeb magazine published in one of its issues the strange habits of some stars, including the star Coca, who talked about that she used to sleep with one of her eyes open, due to her fear since her childhood of thieves and the father of a skinned man.
Coca the artist
Artist Mohamed Abdel Wahab
And it was By the artist Mohamed Abdel WahabAlso, a strange habit that he is keen to practice before going to sleep, which is turning the dial of the phone without looking at the numbers, and Abdel Wahhab says that he got used to that for many years until he became unable to give up this habit.

Artist Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Artist Abdel Halim Hafez
It is said that the late artist Abdel Halim HafezHe was afraid to sleep during the night, so he used to stay up until six in the morning, and he talked about that that he was afraid to sleep at night because he was afraid of bleeding and because he had memories of his illness all night when he was alone in his bedroom, so he woke up until the morning.

Artist Abdel Halim Hafez
Poet Kamel El-Shennawy
“Don’t Lie” and “I’m Not My Heart” and other songs written by the late poet Kamel El-Shennawy, and he presided over a number of positions in the field of journalism, including the editor-in-chief of the last hour. He also had a strange habit while sleeping, as he was like the artist Abdel Halim Hafez afraid to sleep. In the dark, so it is said that he used to sleep at sunrise, and in other sayings, he used to take his own car and order his driver to roam the streets all night until he fell asleep.

Kamel El Shennawy