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The Strained Relationship Between President Biden’s White House and Mayor Eric Adams of New York City: A Delicate Balance Amidst Immigration Crisis

CNN: Relationship between​ Biden’s‌ White House and NYC ‍Mayor Eric Adams Strains Over Immigration Crisis

The relationship between President Joe Biden’s White House and New York City ​Mayor‍ Eric Adams ⁤began to crack privately months ⁢earlier⁣ than known,‍ and ​long before Adams publicly criticized Biden over the immigration crisis in his city.

“There is no leadership ‌here,” Adams⁢ told a ‌group of Biden aides last October in the chief of staff’s‌ office, demanding that the president do more to help his ‍city manage‍ the massive influx of ⁤immigrants.

The issue is one of the most delicate for ⁣the White House and Biden’s ⁤reelection ⁤campaign. Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Julie Chávez Rodríguez, Chief of Staff ⁢Ron Klain, and National Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall grew nervous. They were doing‍ everything they could in the White House to lead without the help of Congress, ‍they said. Biden ⁢had done more than ‍any previous president, and much of what Adams ‍was asking‌ for would require ⁣congressional action or likely ‌be immediately challenged in court.

It was a‌ moment, now being ⁤reported for⁤ the first time,‌ that foreshadowed a complete breakdown of the relationship between the White‍ House⁣ and the mayoralty. CNN’s conversations ‍with multiple sources revealed that the⁢ political partnership has become a crossfire of accusations⁣ and frustration between Adams,​ the​ president, his advisors, and advocates who complain that ⁤both leaders have been⁤ fumbling in their response to a crisis that more than one person told CNN feels like “playing ‌hot‍ potato with people.”

A year later, Adams has​ moved beyond private attacks on⁤ Biden and even led a rally on Thursday ⁣in Manhattan criticizing ‌the government’s response to⁢ the influx of immigrants. Beyond the criticism, officials in the White House and New York‌ fear that the inability to find solutions and address concerns will not⁤ only leave thousands of ⁣immigrants in limbo but could become a major⁢ political problem ⁣for Democrats​ heading into 2024,‍ sources‍ told CNN.

While other cities⁣ have seen an increase in immigrant arrivals, New York City has become the⁢ epicenter ⁣of the crisis, with the number ⁤of newly arrived‍ asylum seekers surpassing 100,000 ‌last​ month⁢ since spring 2022, with projected costs of up⁢ to $12 billion ​in the coming years as⁣ people seek⁤ housing and other basic services.

Efforts are⁤ being made to bridge the differences. Tom Perez, who replaced Chávez Rodríguez and now‌ serves as director of the ⁣White ‌House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, ‍recently spent time​ in New York trying to smooth tensions over⁢ the immigration”White⁣ House and​ New⁢ York Mayor’s Relationship Strains‍ Over Immigration ​Crisis”

(CNN) – The relationship between the White House of President⁣ Joe Biden and ⁤New York⁤ City ⁢Mayor⁢ Eric Adams ⁣began to crack ‌privately months earlier than​ known, and⁣ long before⁤ Adams publicly criticized Biden for the immigration crisis in his city.

“There is no leadership here,” Adams told a group of⁤ Biden aides ⁢last October in the chief of staff’s ⁤office, demanding ‌that⁤ the president do more‌ to ​help his city ‍manage the massive influx of immigrants.

The issue is one of the most ⁣delicate for the​ White House and ⁣Biden’s reelection ⁤campaign. Director⁤ of Intergovernmental Affairs ⁣Julie Chávez Rodríguez, Chief of Staff Ron Klain, ⁣and⁤ National Security Advisor ⁢Liz⁤ Sherwood-Randall became nervous. They were doing ​everything they could in the White‌ House to ⁤lead without the help of Congress, they said. Biden had done more⁤ than any⁤ previous⁣ president, and much of what Adams was asking‍ for would⁤ require congressional action or likely be⁢ immediately challenged in court.

It was a⁢ moment, now being reported for⁤ the first time,⁣ that foreshadowed a complete breakdown of the relationship between ‍the White House and the​ mayoralty. CNN’s conversations⁣ with multiple sources revealed that the political partnership has become a crossfire of⁤ accusations and frustration between Adams, the president, his advisors, and⁣ advocates‌ who complain ⁣that both leaders have​ been fumbling in their⁤ response to a crisis that more than ‍one person told CNN​ feels like‍ “playing hot potato with people.”

A year later, Adams⁤ has moved‌ beyond private attacks on ⁣Biden and even led a rally in⁢ Manhattan on‍ Thursday⁣ criticizing the government’s⁢ response to the influx of ​immigrants. Beyond the criticism,⁤ officials in the ⁣White House and New⁢ York‌ fear that the inability ‌to find solutions and address concerns will not only leave⁢ thousands of ⁢immigrants in limbo but could ‍also become ‌a major political ⁣problem for ⁤Democrats heading into ​2024, ‌sources told CNN.

While⁢ other cities have seen an increase in immigrant arrivals, ​New York City⁣ has ‍become the epicenter of the​ crisis, with ⁤the number of newly arrived asylum seekers surpassing 100,000⁤ last month since the ‌spring of 2022, with projected costs ‍of ​up to $12 billion in the coming years ​as people seek housing and ‍other⁣ basic services.

Efforts are being made to overcome the differences. Tom Perez,‌ who replaced Chávez Rodríguez/h2>

Ante ​las crecientes críticas y tensiones con el alcalde de ⁣Nueva York, Eric Adams, la Casa Blanca se encuentra en una posición defensiva. ⁢La relación entre la administración de ‍Biden y Adams ⁤comenzó a deteriorarse en privado mucho antes de que el alcalde ⁣comenzara a criticar públicamente al⁢ presidente⁢ por la crisis migratoria en la⁢ ciudad.

En octubre pasado, ⁤Adams expresó ‍su ⁢frustración a un grupo de asistentes ⁤de Biden, exigiendo ‌al presidente ⁤que⁢ hiciera ‌más para ayudar a Nueva York a manejar ⁤la ​llegada masiva ​de inmigrantes. Sin embargo, la Casa Blanca argumenta que han estado haciendo todo​ lo ⁤posible para liderar ​sin la ayuda del Congreso y que gran parte ⁣de lo que ⁢Adams pide requeriría⁢ acción legislativa.

Las conversaciones con múltiples ⁤fuentes revelaron que la relación política entre ⁢la Casa Blanca ⁣y la alcaldía se ha convertido en un cruce de ⁤acusaciones y frustración. Ambos líderes han sido criticados por su respuesta​ a la⁢ crisis migratoria, y existe el temor⁢ de ‌que ⁣la ⁣incapacidad para⁤ encontrar soluciones pueda⁢ convertirse en un ‍problema político importante para los ​demócratas ⁢de cara ​a las elecciones de‌ 2024.

La ciudad de Nueva York se​ ha convertido en ‍el ⁢epicentro de la crisis ‌migratoria, ⁤con más de 100,000 solicitantes de asilo recién llegados desde la primavera de 2022.​ Se estima que los costos ⁢asociados con esta situación podrían ascender a $12,000‌ millones en ​los⁢ próximos años.

La Casa Blanca ha estado haciendo esfuerzos para superar las diferencias y coordinarse ​con los socios estatales y municipales. Sin embargo, ‍Adams ⁣se ha sentido desairado después de tener una línea ‌regular de comunicación ​y⁢ reuniones en la Casa Blanca con el jefe ⁣de gabinete, Ron Klain.

Los demócratas de Nueva York están⁣ preocupados⁢ de que la situación pueda afectar negativamente a ​su partido. Temen que Adams esté alimentando los argumentos de la derecha y que los republicanos cuestionen ⁤el gasto ⁤en ayuda a los inmigrantes.⁣ La gobernadora de Nueva York, Kathy Hochul, está ‍tratando de mediar en el conflicto y ⁤ha logrado obtener compromisos adicionales de la ​Casa Blanca.

A pesar de⁣ la ⁢solidaridad con la crisis humanitaria de Nueva York, algunos defensores y funcionarios acusan a Adams de ‌grandilocuencia. ‍Algunos alcaldes de otras ciudades han expresado su apoyo a la administración de Biden y‌ han ⁣instado a Adams a trabajar en conjunto para abordar las ⁣preocupaciones en el⁣ Congreso.

En resumen, la relación ⁤entre la⁣ Casa Blanca ‍y el alcalde ‌de Nueva York, Eric ⁢Adams, se ha deteriorado debido a ⁤las ⁣tensiones⁣ y críticas relacionadas con la crisis migratoria en la ciudad. Ambos líderes se acusan mutuamente de no tomar medidas adecuadas, y existe el temor de que esta situación pueda convertirse ​en‍ un problema político para los‌ demócratas. La Casa Blanca está tratando de superar las diferencias ‌y coordinarse con los socios estatales ⁤y municipales, pero Adams se siente⁢ desairado y‌ ha encabezado un⁢ mitin criticando⁤ la respuesta del Gobierno.
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¿Qué medidas concretas se han tomado hasta ahora para abordar la crisis migratoria y cómo ​han impactado en la reducción del flujo de solicitantes ⁢de asilo recién llegados?

Rtido en el epicentro de la crisis migratoria, con el número de solicitantes de asilo ⁣recién llegados superando ‍los 100,000 el último mes desde la primavera de 2022. Además, se proyectan costos​ de hasta $12‌ mil millones en los ⁣próximos años para ⁤brindar vivienda y otros servicios básicos a estas personas.

Se están realizando esfuerzos para superar las diferencias. Tom Pérez, quien reemplazó a Julie Chávez ⁤Rodríguez, recientemente pasó tiempo en Nueva York tratando de aliviar las tensiones en torno a la crisis migratoria. Sin embargo, las preocupaciones persisten tanto en la Casa Blanca como en Nueva York, ya que ⁤la falta de soluciones ⁣y respuestas ‌adecuadas no

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