Home » today » News » “The stowaways of the Ocean Viking have not been shipwrecked” the economic and political bulletin of the PACA

“The stowaways of the Ocean Viking have not been shipwrecked” the economic and political bulletin of the PACA

Contrary to what was politically agreed and media reported, the stowaways of the Ocean Viking did not have the profile and status of castaways.

A shipwrecked person is at the origin of a request for help following a real danger of death with the sinking of the ship or vessel that was carrying him.

Sinking is normally the result of severe damage below the waterline. Drag a boat or ship across the grounds. These high seas stowaways were simply picked up and transported on a ship chartered by a humanitarian NGO thanks to our taxes. They traveled for free, at our expense, with a single goal: to set foot in Europe thanks to the active complicity of SOS Méditerranée.

There is also the great imposture of this fiasco: these migrants have not been saved. They were “assisted” to reach their goal and their goal.

The media needs emotion and outrage to get an audience. They were therefore above all interested in the consequences of the recovery of these migrants at sea rather than in the causes of their presence on the high seas, a cause which, in essence, is not the escape from war because we could then recover, as in Ukraine, women and small children. This cause is the aspiration for a naïve, blind and generous Europe.

Illegal immigration in the Mediterranean no longer concerns those who have had their nose glued to this trafficking of human beings for years because behind all this there is a whole human, logistical and criminal organization. Illegal immigration is politically permitted in France, as nothing is done to prevent it. It is also industrialized and subsidized. I’m just exasperated by such a fraud.

I have spent most of my life working with CROSS. I know what real anguish, real shipwreck and real rescue are. These migrants have just suffered from seasickness and the inconvenience of offshore navigation.

The Government, the Minister of the Interior, the Prefect and SOS Méditerranée have therefore lied to the French who do not see and do not know what happens in the salt water of the high seas, they have used their ignorance and naivety in an unhealthy way to justify a political and ideological choice which is also a big weakness.

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