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The story of San Cayetano and how he became the patron saint of “bread and work” in Argentina


He Saint Cayetano’s Day is celebrated today, August 7th. Born in the 15th century, he is currently considered patron of bread and workToday, on his day, thousands of Argentine faithful come to his sanctuary, located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Liniers, to pay tribute to him and pray for his help.

Cayetano of Thiene He was a priest born on October 1, 1480 in Vicenza, a city in northwestern Italy. He began his formal studies in Law at the University of Padua and at the age of 26 he moved to Rome to begin his career in religion. Thus he held the position of private secretary to the Pope. Julius IIAfter the death of the Supreme Pontiff he decided to become a priest and was trained as such in 1516.

Celebration of Saint Cayetano in ArgentinaSoledad Aznarez – Archive

As a priest, he founded the society Oratory of Divine Love and the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular, a religious organization created to promote certain practices of Catholicism such as prayer, a relaxed and holy life, which was characterized by austere customs. One of its main premises was that give up their individual property. Although he came from a well-off family, he gave away all his money and stayed away from charity. He taught other priests with these ideals.

He is remembered for his efforts to assist poor people already the sick In all the trips he undertook and certain associations he created for this purpose, such as Mountains of Piety. During the Protestant Reformationrevolution that opposed the Catholic churchdeclared: “The first thing to do to reform the Church is to reform oneself.”

San Cayetano He passed away on August 7, 1547 at the age of 66, after suffering from an illness. Despite being in this state, he refused to rest on a mattress. His kind and selfless image was remembered by many and soon different miracles were experienced through his intercession. On October 8, 1629, he was beatified by Pope Urban VIII and canonized on April 12, 1671 by Pope Clement X.

The faithful or newcomers to the devotion to Saint Cajetan You can come on August 7th to sanctuary that celebrates it in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), more precisely at Cuzco 150, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Liniers. People from all over Argentina, as well as many faithful from neighboring countries, come to this church, Founded in 1875 by the Society of Daughters of the Divine Savior.

This sanctuary became the place where thousands of people come every year to ask for bread and workafter the parish priest Domingo Falgioni, spiritual director of the Catholic Workers Circles, organized a pastoral in the 1930s promoting the veneration of the saint as a facilitator of employment and food for the needy.

This priest was also responsible for creating a Print of Saint Cajetan with the baby Jesus and an ear of wheatwhich gave him his status as patron of bread and work. In that time marked by unemployment due to the financial crash of August 1929, the favors that came from prayer to Cayetano spread rapidly trust in his divine intercession.

The faithful come to the church of San Cayetano to ask for or give thanks for the workTomas Cuesta

In it website of the Sanctuary of San Cayetano They indicate three prayers to ask for help from the patron of bread and work:

Prayer I

O glorious Saint Cajetan! Acclaimed by all Nations; Father of Providence, because with prodigious miracles you help all those who invoke you with faith in their needs. I beseech you to obtain for me from the Lord timely Help in present distresses and may it be proof of eternal blessedness. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, O Divine Providence! Grant me your mercy, through your infinite goodness, kneeling at your feet, wonder of all charity, I ask you for my family a home, clothing and sustenance.

Grant us health, lead us on the right path, and let virtue always guide our destiny. You are all my hope, you are my consolation, I believe in You, I trust in You. May Your Divine Providence extend to us at every moment so that we never lack a home, clothing, sustenance, and the Holy Sacraments at the last moment.

Prayer II

Glorious Saint Cajetan, acclaimed by all peoples as father of providence because you help with great miracles all those who invoke you in their needs: I come to your altar, begging that you present to the Lord the desires that I confidently place in your hands.

(Here the graces that one wishes to obtain are expressed)

May these graces, which I now ask of you, help me to always seek the Kingdom of God and His Justice, knowing that God (who clothes the flowers of the field with beauty and generously feeds the birds of the sky) will give me all these other things in addition. Amen.

Prayer III

Oh glorious Saint Cajetan, Father of Providence! Do not allow me to lack subsistence in my house and from your generous hand I ask you for alms in temporal and human matters.

Oh glorious Saint Cajetan! Providence, Providence, Providence.

(Here you ask for the grace you wish to obtain)

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