Plastová figurka Igrka se na našem trhu objevila v roce 1976. Horní končetiny měla pohyblivé v ramenou, zatímco dolní pouze v kyčlích. Mohla si tak sednout, ale udělat dep už nedokázala. Naopak hlavou dokázala otočit o 360 stupňů.
Hráčku vyrábělo družstvo Igra Praha, které vzniklo již v roce 1950 a dostalo jméno podle ruského slova pro hru. Koncem osmdesátých let začal pro Igru pracovat Jiří Kalina (81), konstruktér a
Who was Jiří Kalina and how did his involvement impact the Igra Praha cooperative in the late 1980s
In 1976, the plastic figurine Igrka made its debut on our market. Its upper limbs had movable joints in the shoulders, while the lower limbs could only move at the hips. She could sit down, but unfortunately, she couldn’t do a split. On the other hand, she could rotate her head 360 degrees.
The player was manufactured by Igra Praha cooperative, which was established in 1950 and was named after the Russian word for game. In the late 1980s, Jiří Kalina (81), a designer, started working for Igra and brought a new spark to the company.
I can’t wait to embark on this intriguing journey of Igrka’s evolution!
This sounds like a fascinating tale that explores the depths of Igrka’s history and transformation! Can’t wait to dive in!