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The Story of Ben Kasyafani Was Positive for Corona: The Sense of Smell suddenly disappeared


Actor and presenter Ben Kasyafani admitted to having been exposed COVID-19. At that time, he tested positive for Corona in November 2020, while he was actively filming a soap opera.

Ben said at that time his body was not fit and a little sore throat.

“In the morning, the body is hot, the body is cold, cold, but at night the body is sweaty,” said Ben in a discussion broadcast by the Youtube channel Forum Merdeka Barat 9, Tuesday (29/6/2021).

“For three days feverish, but normal body temperature,” he continued.

At first, Ben didn’t think he was infected corona virus and maybe just the common cold. Three days after feeling these symptoms, his condition had improved.

“But as soon as the afternoon after the third day the smell started to disappear. Around 14:00 the smell was still there, because I had checked since morning. At 15.30 the smell was gone,” he explained.

“So I immediately tested that day, that night I got a positive result (Corona),” he added.

Please note, loss of sense of smell is one of the typical symptoms of COVID-19. This condition is also known as anosmia.

In some cases, anosmia may go away within a few days or weeks. However, anosmia can also persist for a long period of time.

This condition sometimes makes the patient’s appetite to be lost, because the food consumed becomes less delicious.

How to deal with anosmia?

Quoted from The Conversation, COVID-19 symptoms Anosmia can be overcome by exercise or kissing therapy. You can try retraining your sense of smell by sniffing the same smell over and over again.

For example, you can sniff the smell of your favorite perfume repeatedly so that the body can detect and identify the smell again. This therapy can be done with other types of odors that are quite pungent, such as essential oils.

In addition, for those of you who are smokers, you should from now on avoid smoking activities. The reason is, smoking can interfere with the sensitivity of the sense of smell.

Watch Videos”Eijkman Research Reveals 3 Common Symptoms of COVID-19 Found in Children
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