Home » today » World » the story of an airport worker who let suicide bombers on the plane surfaced on the Internet

the story of an airport worker who let suicide bombers on the plane surfaced on the Internet

In a day September 11, 2001Before a series of terrorist attacks took place in the United States, one of the American airlines, Vaughn Allex, registered and allowed two suicide bombers to board the plane. After 20 years, the man was able to tell the truth about how everything happened that day at the Dulles airport.

According to Allex, on September 11, 2001, two men ran into the terminal of Dulles International Airport – then they looked confused. The guys approached his flight check-in counter – one of the men constantly looked around and could not resist in one place, constantly hurrying somewhere. Allex thought that the guy was very worried before the plane took off and did not attach any importance to this, Vaughn told ABC News.

Video of the day

“I watched him for a few minutes while we went through the whole check. He did not answer all the questions we asked him. He just smiled and danced. It looked very strange: two men are standing, one of whom is dancing.” said a former American airline worker.

News">Vaughn Allexa let two terrorists board the plane

When the men were unable to answer basic check-in questions, Allex claims, he marked the ticket for added security.

Later, when the terrorist attacks occurred in the United States, the airline worker was called into the chief’s office, where two FBI agents also entered and handed him a passenger manifesto. When Allex looked at the list of all the people on board the plane, he admitted that he was to blame for everything.

“I didn’t know that this would happen, I didn’t know that I had registered two terrorists,” Vaughn said.

News">Vaughn Allex tells the story of how he let two suicide bombers on board

Let’s remind: 9/11 terrorist attack in the USA – the largest in history by the number of victims – happened exactly twenty years ago, September 11, 2001. Killed as a result of a grisly crime committed by suicide bombers 2977 people, another 24 are missing.

9/11 terrorist attack in the USA

Previously OBOZREVATEL wrote about what really happened in the USA on September 11 and how the Americans responded to the brutal terrorist attack in history.

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