Home » today » Health » The story of a young man who is infected with Coronavirus from March 19th, who has isolated himself for 50 days

The story of a young man who is infected with Coronavirus from March 19th, who has isolated himself for 50 days

The newspaper published “mirror“The story of a young man named Christian Permi, 26 years old, who is very afraid because he records the longest infection period for coronavirus, he has been infected for 50 days, and this caused him to feel fear because he underwent analysis three times and each time he discovers that he is still a carrier of the virus, despite The treatment he receives, which is why he is the most HIV-positive person for about two months.

The first analysis carried out by Christian Bermi was on March 19, and it was proven that it was HIV-positive during it, and it has been tested twice since this date and it has been proven that it is still HIV-positive, and its results are positive.

The story of a young man with corona

Christian said, that the onset of coronavirus coronavirus infection is difficult, due to the symptoms felt by the patient, from shortness of breath and extreme fatigue, and the inability to speak even with others.

He pointed out, but now, after 50 days have passed, the symptoms are lighter than before, but my health did not become good before I got this devastating virus, because I always feel very tired and unable to do any activity.

Christian added that, since he was informed of his infection and that he was a carrier of the coronavirus, Corona, and he isolated himself inside the house in order not to transmit the infection to anyone else, and he said that this virus is not just a physical process, that is, the body is fighting it, but rather a mental process in which the mind must be translated into the necessity of victory over it, The feeling of fear I feel may be the reason why I am not recovering, so I give up your fear and your bad thoughts. “

He indicated that he plans to take a test again this week to check whether he is HIV-positive or not, and he will continue testing it every month as long as he is still HIV-positive.

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