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The story of a nurse in Jombang who got pregnant and then aborted her boyfriend


Nurse in Jombang was arrested by the police for committing intercourse with high school students. Even when the girl was pregnant, the nurse actually gave an abortion medicine.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Jombang Police AKP Teguh Setiawan said that DDS (31)’s love affair with a 17-year-old girl had been going on for about a year. DDS works as a nurse at RSUD Jombang. However, his status is still a temporary employee.

He seduced the girl from Peterongan District, Jombang to be invited to have a relationship like husband and wife. One of them by selling out the promise to marry the victim.

“The suspect confessed that he had sex with the victim six times. Often the victim was invited to the suspect’s boarding house,” said Teguh when confirmed by detikcom, Saturday (5/6/2021).

As a result, that 12th grade high school student pregnant. Instead of being responsible, DDS actually aborted his girlfriend, who was about 2 months old at the time.

At the end of 2020, the girl who was still innocent he ordered her to take an abortion medicine. DDS argued that the drug he bought online was to launch menstruation.

“Maybe at first the victim complained that her period was late, she was afraid. The same perpetrator was given medicine with the reason to launch menstruation, finally it arrived miscarriage. The victim did not know that he was taking an abortion drug,” explained Teguh.

They were engaged, continued Teguh, and DDS promised to marry the victim after Idul Fitri 2021. But until Lebaran passed, the bachelor from Kabuh District, Jombang never kept his promise.

DDS’s actions angered the parents of the girl from Peterongan District, Jombang. “Finally the perpetrator was reported by the victim’s parents to us,” he explained.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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