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The story of a driver kidnapped in Los Angeles

On the night of Thursday, August 22, a Didi app driver was violently assaulted and kidnapped by three men in Los Angeles.

The victim recounted the experience exclusively to Radio Bío Bío, stating that the attackers repeatedly expressed their intention to kill him.

Moments of anguish that lasted for at least two hours, since he was approached by the three armed men on Arturo Prat Street.

“At that moment, you only think about your wife, your daughters, and that in a second you won’t be with them. So, you want that moment to pass quickly and really want them to take everything and leave me, leave me, leave me,” said the victim.

“I begged them not to kill me”

In his story, he added that “thank God I was able to escape, because At all times they said ‘let’s just kill him, because he’s going to tell on us later’ and the only thing I begged them for was not to kill me.because I have little girls and one of them is sick. I am still in shock and really worried.”

The attackers threatened and insulted him.

“Don’t cry, we’re going to kill you”

“Well, they kept telling me to keep quiet, they told me ‘you old bastard, don’t cry, we’re going to kill you if you talk, stay calm’. They had me at gunpoint and one of them was choking me from behind while I was in the driver’s seat,” he explained.

The harrowing journey continued. The subjects took control of the vehicle.

“We took Las Industrias towards the north (…) and as a kind of security system, I was driving the car with very little gasoline. And they told me ‘go bring the car bare’ and they started to push me to get the money, which I had saved somewhere else, and one said ‘I have 10 thousand, let’s put it in the pump here’, then they started to advance (towards the service center).”

“Count to 200 and run”

The individuals abandoned it about 400 meters before the service station, where they refueled.

Before that they pointed a gun at him and -according to his story- One of them told him: “Count to 200 and run over there. If you run over here, I’ll come back and kill you and your family.”

Unfortunately, the cameras at the gas pump used to fill up the car were not working, so the police are looking for other elements that will help them locate the assailants.

The distressed driver is just hoping to get his car back so he can continue working and support his family. He is still paying for the vehicle.

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