Home » Entertainment » The Story Behind Eross Sheila On 7 Giving ‘Bendera’ to Chocolate Band

The Story Behind Eross Sheila On 7 Giving ‘Bendera’ to Chocolate Band

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com– Eross Sheila On 7 revealed the reason behind her decision to give the song “Bendera” to the Chocolate band.

It all started with the band Sheila On 7, who at that time had just released an album with the hit song “Seberapa Deserves”.

“At that time, Sheila On 7, after releasing the album, we had the hits ‘Seberapa Sepat,’ if we also brought ‘Bendera’, I’m not sure,” said Eross as quoted from YouTube SoundCorners.

Eross further explained, at that time usually there were no musicians who could have two songs in one single chart.

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“For example on radio, when he has played the single Sheila On 7 which is ‘Seberapa Sepat’, and we have a single song as well as ‘Bendera’ at the same time, maybe it won’t be played at the same time,” said Eross.

“The habit on the charts is like that. It’s rare for an artist to have two songs together, so the term is sharing (charts) with other artists,” he added.

Regardless of the release date, Eross felt that the song “Bendera” was indeed more suited to the voice of Kikan, who at that time was the vocalist of Chocolate.

For Eross, the song “Bendera” would not have been popular if it had been sung by Sheila On 7.

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“I’m sure Kikan’s voice is definitely suitable, in terms of arrangement, Chocolate is heavier than Sheila On 7,” said Eross.

“If I had brought it myself or with Sheila On 7, maybe the results wouldn’t have been like that. Yes, history can’t be changed,” he continued.

Eross further explained that the song “Bendera” which was finally released had actually been changed by Chocolate.

“Actually, the song I gave them was not upbeat, they changed it to be upbeat, so the enthusiasm came from the Chocolate kids,” said Eross.

Seeing the success of the song “Bendera” after being brought by Chocolate, Eross has never regretted giving the song to the band that used to have the same label as Sheila On 7.

“I really believe that a song with a singer is like fate, it’s not certain that if Sheila On 7 was sung it would be as popular as it is now,” said Eross.

“I said it was already their match (Chocolate),” he continued.

For information, the song “Bendera” was released in 2002 and is on the album Rasa Baru (re-package).

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2023-07-31 10:55:00
#regret #giving #flag #song #Chocolate #Eross #Sheila #Kikans #voice #suitable #Kompas.com

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