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The storm “Bella” completely erases the Cubes de la Memoria de Llanes

Ibarrola’s Cubes of Memory

The llanisco fishermen early risers were those who discovered, this Monday, that the storm “Bella” that hit the Asturian coast during the afternoon-night yesterday, December 27 has completely erased the Memory Cubes, the artistic image and tourist claim that Llanes has made the flag of for years, since the Basque artist painted them Agustin Ibarrola.

This was the image of the Memory Cubes until yesterday, Sunday, December 27.

Although within the Llanes Government Team there is absolute silence – some sources point out that the sensation is of “relief” – THE FAITHFUL has been able to know that very early today, Monday, December 28, Mayor, Enrique Riestra He went to the port area of ​​Llanisca to check on the spot what had been announced to him by phone. Two witnesses point out that Riestra called the president of Cantabria at the same time, Miguel Angel Revilla, to ask for the contact of the artista Okuda, which just a few months ago concluded the artistic intervention in the Ajo lighthouse, which has been a real stir among supporters and detractors of the final result, but which has attracted floods of visitors to the Cantabrian town. Riestra would like to invite Okuda Llanes, to study the possibility of giving color, again, to the Memory Cubes.


Not a trace of Ibarrola’s paintings on the concrete cubes that protect the port of Llanes.


Image of the Faro de Ajo, in Cantabria, painted by Okuda, the artist with whom the mayor of Llanes would have already contacted at this time of December 28.

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