Home » Entertainment » The stolen property of NRJ presenter Julianna Jokela was found in a rough condition – 2024-09-27 21:21:33

The stolen property of NRJ presenter Julianna Jokela was found in a rough condition – 2024-09-27 21:21:33

Julianna Jokela’s stolen scooter was found.

Julianna Jokela is known from the NRJ channel. Antti Nikkanen

In a word, a lot has happened in the day of Julianna Jokela, the presenter of the NRJ radio channel. On Thursday evening, Jokela said on his Instagram account that he couldn’t find his Vespa-branded scooter anywhere. The scooter was stolen from the center of Helsinki.

On Friday, however, the Vespa was found, but not in the same condition as the host had last seen it.

Jokela says in his Instagram stories that the Vespa was taken far from his home. A battered and broken Vespa was waiting there. The police also happened to find it on the spot.

Jokela says on Instagram that the helmet and other items had been taken from storage.

Such is Jokela’s scooter. Julianna Jokela’s home album

Jokela told Iltalehte about the theft on Friday.

– The Vespa has been parked on the street all summer long. My neighbor’s Vespa was next to it. He had time to take his to the winter rollers a couple of weeks ago, so he didn’t have to experience this shock, Jokela said.

According to Jokela, there are several surveillance cameras in that area.

– It’s quite special that someone dares to talk about it. I hope the thieves would be caught through surveillance cameras. Of course, it could be that they are so well disguised that this will never come out, Jokela continued.

Jokela contacted the authorities about the incident already on Thursday evening. He filed an official criminal complaint on Friday morning.

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