Home » today » News » The stock market ignores the “Iran – America” ​​crisis, closes high, and gains 10.7 billion pounds

The stock market ignores the “Iran – America” ​​crisis, closes high, and gains 10.7 billion pounds

The Egyptian Stock Exchange ended the trading session today, Wednesday, with a collective rise of all indicators, driven by purchases from Egyptian and Arab dealers, ignoring the impact of political tensions in the Middle East after Iran’s strike at American military sites in Iraq, and the market capital increased by 10.7 billion pounds to close at 683.446 One billion pounds.

The volume of trading on shares amounted to 171.1 million securities at a value of 784.5 million pounds, through the implementation of 22.4 thousand transactions for 166 companies, and Egyptians recorded 61.3% of the total transactions, while foreigners accounted for 32.3%, and the Arabs accounted for 6.39% during today’s trading session, and acquired The institutions accounted for 53.66% of the transactions on the stock exchange, and the rest of the transactions were the share of individuals, at 46.33%.

And the net transactions of Egyptian and foreign individuals and Arab and foreign institutions for sale at a value of 68.6 million pounds, 4.4 million pounds, 7.9 million pounds and 10.2 million pounds, respectively, while the net transactions of Arab individuals and Egyptian institutions to purchase amounted to 9.8 million pounds and 81.3 million pounds, respectively .

The “EGX30” index rose by 2.5% to close at 13542 points, the “EGX50” index rose by 2.39% to close at 1862 points, and the “EGX 30 weighted index” jumped 2.48% to close at 15,644 points. The EGX 30 index of total return increased by 2.47%, to close at 5092 points.

The index of medium and small companies, “EGX70” increased by 1.3% to close at 509 points, and the index “EGX 100” increased by 1.74% to close at 1335 points, and the Nile Stock Exchange index increased by 0.73% to close at 472 points.

Shares of 116 listed companies increased at the end of trading, 13 companies decreased, and the levels of 37 companies did not change.

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