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The Stock Exchange Investment Scam: How to Protect Yourself from Deceptive Practices

“The Stock Exchange offers small investors the opportunity to invest in the stock market starting at *** baht.”

“Amata allows you to buy senior citizen funds. Start with each fund *** receive dividends *** per week.”

“Deep into the life & way of thinking of Dr. Niwet From a poor Chinese child to a ten-billion VIP stock expert. Join for free, limited number”

Sentences to deceive investors to entice the eye Use the name of a famous person or a capital market agency and the amount of returns is very high. causing many victims to believe and lose millions of baht The first group of victims were elderly retirees. Because it is a group that has a pension or money saved throughout life They are also a group that tends to trust information that is easily passed along without verification.

And if you don’t want to be a victim, how do you check!? Today “Hot Issue Knowing Cyber ​​Dangers” will talk with Mr. Rongrak. Panapapawutthikul, Deputy Manager, Head of the Legal Department and Head of the Corporate Secretary and Corporate Governance Group From the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) who will tell interesting cases of investment scams. Including serious measures from the stock exchange that will not remain silent about these problems!!

2024-02-14 11:08:08
#HotIssue #aware #cyber #threats #fake #pages #spreading #heavily #RYT9

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