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The sting on car tax: here is who must pay immediately (and who not)

In some regions the payment of car tax was extended due to the health and economic emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In others nothing has changed and the same terms of the pre-pandemic period continue to apply. To complicate even more an already complex situation, we must also take into account the recent change that involved those drivers whohe decided to rent long-term vehicles. Let’s do some clarity.

Two exceptions

Each regional administration has decided, in a completely autonomous way, if and when postpone the expiry of the terms of the balance of the car tax. Since each Region actually has its own rules, it’s easy to lose your bearings and forget to pay. The extension is still valid in Sicily and in province of Trento: both have placed the limit on November 30.

In particular, in Sicily it is possible to pay the fee up to a maximum of 30 days after the deadline, which is 31 December. Sicilian motorists are also exempt from payment if they are in possession of vehicles (not valid for motorcycles) with power up to 53 kiloWatts (72 horsepower) or registered by 31 December 2010, if the owner does not have an annual income. over 15 thousand euros. To request the bonus for the car tax it is necessary to connect to the ACI website, fill in the required forms and enter your data before printing the application.

The other regions

The two cases mentioned above are exceptions. In the remaining regions the deadlines they are the traditional ones of the period before the pandemic. That is: in April, August and December for cars; from January to July for motorcycles. It deserves a separate discussion Lombardy, whose deadline expired on October 31st.

We remind you that starting from 1 January 2020 the ownership tax on motor vehicles can only be paid through the electronic procedure PagoPA. We are talking about a standardized system, designed to simplify the bureaucratic procedure. Little or nothing will change for citizens, as they will continue to pay using the authorized ATMs, but also the SISAL and Lottomatica points of sale, post offices, ACI agencies and all other offices authorized to collect the tax.

Rental car

Auto chapter a rental. According to the 2020 maneuver, the car tax for the aforementioned vehicles had to be paid by 30 June. It is important to underline that the tax is payable by those who use the vehicle or by the employers in the case of company cars. However, several Regions have decided to extend the terms of the balance and others are ready to do so.

In Lazio the deadline for payment has been postponed to 30 November; there is also a 10% discount on the amount of the car tax. In the province of Trento on 15 December; in Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Lombardia similar resolutions are pending.

Penalties for delays

What happens to those who do not pay the car tax within the terms established by law? The sanctions they are variable and increase in tandem with the days of delay. If latecomers pay the deposit within the first 14 days from the deadline, they will have to deal with a penalty of 0.1% of the tax evaded for each day of delay, in addition to interest on late payments. If the delay is between 15 and 30 days, you will have to pay the stamp duty plus a penalty of 1.50% and interest on arrears for each day of delay.

The situation begins to get serious if the delay is between 31 and 90 days. Here, in addition to the amount of the stamp duty and the usual default interest calculated for each day of delay, there is a 1.67% penalty. Beyond 91 days (but within one year), the payment of the stamp, a penalty of 3,75% and interests. After one year, the latecomer will have to pay the stamp duty, the interest calculated per cent for each semester evaded and a penalty of 30%.

At that point, if the delay persists, the Region will send an amicable notice. In case of further black smoke, the Revenue Agency will send one within two years tax notice, with 60 days to remedy. Otherwise it will be possible to undergo the blocking of the car, the stop of the vehicle, up to the radioation of the Public Register and the foreclosure of the vehicle.

Speaking of sanctions, in Tuscany a real earthquake is coming. As the newspaper pointed out The nation, there are 311 thousand motorists residing in the region on whom the Damocles sword of the car tax hangs. There are two aspects to consider. Meanwhile, the black smoke has arrived for the request for payment until 31 December; in addition, the Region is missing 111 million. Time is running out and no signals are coming from the government, at least for the moment.

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