It’s always full… People… People… People…
Different by age… By maturity… By look… By destiny…
It is the common station for all… The Great Eternity…
It is both the end and the beginning of our earthly struggle.
Those who send flowers to the platform cry
his mourning Traveler on the road last took…
Here… The fatal hour strikes and the wagon starts…
To the vast… Dark… But who knows… Endless tunnel…
Flowers again… And those who welcome are happy
one new, one small, arriving from nowhere, Man.
Here is the fragile back taking on the human destiny…
And so he will carry her to the end in the insane century…
Eternal station… With chaos apparent… In both directions…
Everyone is in a hurry… why?… with their chests to come forward…
And humans… Humans.. .Humans… Good and cruel…
And yet… A voice announces… And puts in order…
He is that Chief… At the head of the star company….
And resounds and resounds from heaven the mighty sound,
which precisely marks the beginning and end of life…
Timetable strict… And forever… To here… And from here…
December 24, 2017
6 o’clock 10 am in the morning
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