Home » today » World » The state will always be to blame! – 2024-07-31 07:04:29

The state will always be to blame! – 2024-07-31 07:04:29

/ world today news/ “Our city is as it is,
because its citizens are what they are.”


Traditionally, in our country, the State is blamed for every misfortune. Whatever happens, the State and/or the rulers are always to blame. We often resort to doubting a conspiracy and a world conspiracy against Bulgaria. At best, we will blame the imperfection of our legislative system. Yes, 2/3 of Bulgarians do this every day!

In this line of thought, I will ask a few questions and let everyone answer honestly, for themselves.

How many of you, dear compatriots, have crossed a red light at a traffic light today?

How many of you today threw the ticket from the public transport in the trash can, and not around it?

How many of you parked your cars in prohibited places today?

How many of you today insulted the mayor of your locality for not fixing the potholes in the streets, but at the same time did not vote in the last local elections?

How many of you today admitted your mistake and did not justify yourself to another?

How many of you are involved in cleaning the pre-block space of your own home?

How many of you encourage your children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren to obey the laws of the state?

As yet, the people who manage us are not appointed from the outside or on the job. Each one of them is a product of our society, the work of ourselves. It is not by chance that Bulgarians have said that you will reap what you sow. We should not have too many demands on the rulers, since we ourselves treat ourselves negligently, to the place where we live and work, to the education of our own children. I believe that a good PERSONAL EXAMPLE is the best possible recipe by which to influence and improve society’s attitude towards the State, i.e. to raise the demands on ourselves.

Bulgaria is what we are!

#state #blame

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