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the state of health of the pope emeritus is “stationary”

The state of Benedict XVI is “stationary”, affirms the Vatican in a communiqué released on Friday 30 December. The Pope emeritus, 95 years old, “attended the celebration of Holy Mass in his room yesterday afternoon”, it continues.

In its press release, the Vatican also specifies, as it had done the day before, that the pope “was able to rest well” during the night between Thursday and Friday.

The pope emeritus is “serene”various sources close to the Mater Ecclesiae monastery, where the pope emeritus resides, had stated on the morning of Friday 30 December, in The cross.

“God visibly hears the prayers that are made for him”, says a source, confirming that the state of health of the pope emeritus, described by Francis as ” very sick ” Wednesday December 28 doesn’t get worse. “There was a serious kidney block that needs to be treated”, confirms another source, who adds it “Her Heart Works Well”. The pope emeritus has had a pacemaker for several years.

On Thursday 29 December the state of Benedict XVI was described “severe” more « stable » from the Vatican Press Office, which also specified that the pope emeritus was “glossy”but that he was currently living “Hard times”.

A wave of prayers

The entourage very close to the pope emeritus insists a lot on the lucidity of Francis’ predecessor, stating that he continues to concelebrate mass. Other sources, closer to the Secretariat of State, insist on the fragility of his health.

The announcement by Pope Francis, at the end of the audience on Wednesday 28 December, that Benedict XVI was ” very sick “followed by a visit to his predecessor, he aroused a wave of prayer and emotion among Catholics.

In Rome, the surroundings of Piazza San Pietro are now largely occupied by cameras from all over the world.

Since his December 28 speech, Pope Francis has not spoken out about his predecessor’s state of health, but he should speak again on Saturday December 31, during the Te Deum celebrated every last day of the year in St. Peter’s Basilica “in thanks for the past year”.

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