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The state does not mourn, but the villagers mourn Dr. Li, who revealed the coronavirus, dies for a year.

The state does not mourn, but the villagers mourn Dr. Li, who revealed the coronavirus, dies for a year.

The state does not mourn, but the villagers mourn. AP Reported that on February 6, some Chinese people traveled to place chrysanthemum bouquets. Mourn to Dr. Li Wen Liang, the ophthalmologist who revealed the first observations. That a strange disease has begun to spread in Wuhan Even doctors finally died from COVID-19 at the age of 34.

ยามร.พ. ยืนคุมอยู่ / A security guard stands neaby as a man visiting the Wuhan Central Hospital leaves flowers in memory of Li Wenliang, the whistleblower doctor who authorities had punished early for “spreading rumors” about a SARS-like virus. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

Not many people went to lay flowers in front of Wuhan Central Hospital? Wuhan Central Hospital where Dr. Li died. On the evening of February 6, but during that time a year ago. The news was contested that the doctor was not dead until February 7, the Wuhan Central Hospital made an official statement that the doctor had died.

Dr. Li is 1 of 8 people detained by local officials to adjust their attitudes. And record that It is the one who released rumors that there is a virus that makes people sick with respiratory illnesses like SARS. After Doctor Li sent a message to remind fellow doctors at that time

Doctor Li

The Chinese praised and appreciated Doctor Li for daring to reveal this information to the public. A picture of Doctor Li that people talk about online. Is a normal person To be a father When the wife is pregnant Doctor Li delivered a message that the staff interpreted as a “rumor” despite the fact that it was just a message that wanted to warn his fellow doctors.

Before her death, she told Kaizin magazine that “a healthy society should not have just one voice”.

Society also keeps track of doctors’ news. With concern When he learned that doctors had to be infected with this virus And symptoms continue to worsen Until death

The state does not mourn, but the villagers mourn.

A security guard stands neaby as a man visiting the Wuhan Central Hospital leaves flowers in memory of Li Wenliang. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

Read news:

The Chinese were sad about the fate of Doctor Li. And many were angry. Ready to request freedom of speech After comments were censored, Dr. Li’s death became a challenge to the federal government. In the midst of an angry stream

Hong Kong residents mourned Dr. Li on February 7, last year People attend a vigil in Hong Kong on February 7, 2020 for novel coronavirus whistleblowing doctor Li Wenliang (pictured C), 34, AFP (Photo by ANTHONY WALLACE).

The central government later ordered an investigation into Dr. Li’s death. And punish the staff who went to control doctors A police officer was demoted And another was admonished by the government

The conclusion of the investigation The official published a Q&A message stating that Dr. Li was a member of the Communist Party. Not a person who is against the system Whoever calls a doctor like that is considered an enemy force.

Later, when China has controlled the epidemic Therefore began to praise it as a victory Film The created “Days and Nights in Wuhan” celebrates the victory due to intensive measures. Including lockdown And a rhythm for the world to prepare for the epidemic

Residents visiting the Wuhan Central Hospital offer flowers in memory of Li Wenliang. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

However, the COVID epidemic has shaken many countries. And raised a question that Is China dealing with this virus well? How transparent is the degree? Until a team from the World Health Organization could investigate the origin of Wuhan One year has passed.

Now, Wuhan is back to normal. The store is crowded. There is little evidence that What suffering did the city go through? While the villagers could only remember a little bit of the incident

The state does not mourn, but the villagers mourn.

Floral tributes left outside Wuhan Central Hospital in memory of Li Wenliang, the whistleblower doctor who sounded the alarm and was reprimanded by local police for it in the early days of Wuhan’s pandemic. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

Even with the death of Doctor Li It is a sensitive issue. The doctor’s family did not interview the press. The account of the use of Doctor Li in Weibo web. It does not have much remembrance

Like people who bring flowers to mourn the doctors at the central hospital. Refused to interview Said that it is not very convenient A couple of young people who had left the flowers were ordered by undercover police to be placed in the back of the hospital, where there was a garden.

Message attached to the bouquet Did not write much One note wrote “Thank you Doctor Li Wen Liang”.


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