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The State Department warned the Taliban

Anthony Blinken warned the Taliban against taking over Afghanistan

Afghanistan will become a rogue state and will not receive the assistance the Taliban say the state needs.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that if the Taliban seize power in Afghanistan by force, the country will become a rogue state and will not receive international support. The head of the State Department said this in an interview with the TV channel MSNBC.

The United States is deeply concerned about the latest actions by the Taliban, which indicate that the group may try to seize power in Afghanistan by force, he said.

“However, if this happens, Afghanistan will become a rogue state. It will not receive the assistance it seeks and which the Taliban say it needs … It will not receive the support from the international community, which, according to its statements, it needed, “- said the US Secretary of State.

The head of US diplomacy, Washington believes there is no military solution to the 40-year conflict in Afghanistan, and the US is “working to end it.”

It was also reported today that the Pentagon reported airstrikes against the Talibanwho were reported to help repel the Taliban advance.

Taliban will capture Afghanistan in six months – forecast

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