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The state accumulates 8 complaints for lack of HIV medicine

From May to September 2019, Puebla was the sixth entity with the highest number of complaints for lack of medications in the IMSS and Issste to treat the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); the above according to the platform, prepared in a coordinated manner by the associations Nosotrxs, Fundar, Together against cancer, Dvvimss, Access network, among others.

The report also indicates that Puebla shares the sixth step with Veracruz, where each entity records 14 complaints. The medications that had reports of shortages in Puebla were to treat HIV (eight reports), hepatitis C, leukemia and brain cancer each, while two complaints were not specified.

In addition, all complaints of medicine shortages were for hospitals of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), in 61.5 percent in units of the capital and the drugs that were most scarce were to treat leukemia, HIV, Hepatitis C and others not specified.

Meanwhile, complaints were filed in the hospital units of Huejotzingo and San Pedro Cholula for lack of medicines; in the first of HIV, and in second HIV and Albino Zertuche (soft tissue sarcoma and to treat brain cancer) and Amixtlán.

However, the platform points out that 64 percent of complaints about lack of medicines in Puebla were resolved, while 36 percent are pending.

Nationally, Mexico City, Jalisco and Sonora are the states that accumulate the most complaints from May to September, the first with 55, the second with 28 and the third with 21.

Meanwhile, the State of Mexico, Nuevo León, with 17; Puebla and Veracruz, each, present these figures. It is worth mentioning that there was no data on the state of Durango, while Nayarit, Tabasco, Yucatán and Zacatecas appeared with a report.

The data from the “My medicine already” platform indicates that 141 cases have been resolved in the country; In addition, 320 hospitals have been monitored and 361 medications have been supplied for the complaints reported.

Through it, it was reported that IMSS and Issste beneficiaries can file their complaints; In accordance with the regulations of both institutions, all medicines prescribed by the attending physician must be filled in the pharmacies of the medical units within a period not exceeding 72 hours after the prescription is issued.

They add 700 cases a year

Puebla ranks seventh nationwide for people infected with HIV; In addition, in the last five years an annual average of 700 new cases is reported and, currently, four thousand carriers are under treatment.

Likewise, for every five carrier men three women are detected; and it is estimated that for each case that is detected, a person does not know that he is a carrier. From 3 to 5 thousand pesos is the monthly cost of the treatment and up to 20 thousand pesos in a private hospital, revealed the state coordinator of the HIV, AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program of the state Secretary of Health (SESA), María Claudia Rivera Moon.

The specialist explained that anyone, regardless of their age, who maintains an active sex life is a candidate to undergo this screening test.

“Anyone who has unprotected relationships is able to get HIV. So we are inviting the entire population to come to get tested for HIV so they know what their situation is with respect to the infection. ”

In addition, he noted that the epidemic remains with a higher incidence in men than in women. “For every five cases of men, we are detecting three women. Then the infection continues to prevail in the male sex and the affected age group remains the age group of the economically active population, ”he concluded.


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