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The Star Watch opened a boutique in Prague. They want to go to the stock market for more money

Tamara Kotvalová, who does not like the name Queen of Paris, has opened her fourth watch boutique in the most expensive street in the Czech Republic.

Breitling has been added to the Rolex, Patek Philippe stores and the multi-brand Carollinum boutique.

“She is our sweetheart. Breitling has been with us since the beginning of our company since 2001, when we founded the multibrand Carollinum, so we know them well, they are among the well-sold, “explains SZ Byznys decision to open another boutique in the street of luxury in Tamara Kotvalová.

There are one hundred and fifty boutiques in the world. The brand is also famous for the actors who wear its watch, such as Brad Pitt or actress Charlize Theron.

“Carollinum is an established player, they have Swiss brands, so it was a clear choice for us. They have a stable clientele, which will also significantly help us to penetrate a market where we are well established, so we are looking forward to it, “comments Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling and co-owner of the company.


  • Founded in 1884 by Léon Breitling.
  • In 1934, Willy Breitling, the grandson of the founder and director of the company until the 1970s, introduced the first modern chronograph. More than 80 years later, its design and technology are reflected in virtually all chronographs produced by all watch manufacturers.
  • It also has a tradition in the Czech Republic, Breitling watches were brought here before the Second World War.
  • For the last five years, the brand has been part of the CVC Capital Partners group, and CEO Georges Kern is also a shareholder.
  • Prominent personalities in the role of ambassadors: actors and actresses (Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron, Adam Driver), athletes and adventurers (Bertrand Piccard, David Mayer de Rothschild).


“Breitling is one of the five best players in the Czech Republic, yet I see an opportunity for further growth here. Although this is, of course, limited, the population is far from comparable to China, for example, ”says Georges Kern. He has one of the last models of the brand from 2021 on his hand – a renewed sports model from the 80’s Super Chronomat for nine and a half thousand euros.

How was the covid year for you?

On the one hand very demanding, on the other very positive. We also had to close the manufactory for a few weeks, but we were very active on social networks, in communication with customers. We managed to bring new products to market during the pandemic, and when we had the opportunity to reopen stores, people actually came.

We have seen very significant growth over the last eight months.

Georges Kern, CEO and co-owner of Breitling.

Have you had a loss lately or have you grown?

Breitling is a relatively local brand focused on local clients, we have managed to increase our market share. We have grown and we have seen very strong growth, especially over the last eight months.

CVC Capital Partners, which owns Breitling, has sold a quarter of the shares to another financial group. Can you tell the details and the reason?

The basic intention is to invest, grow and then sell it. Like us, we make watches to sell them. We also sold a 25 percent stake to satisfy our shareholders, which is a normal approach. In the future, we would like to enter the stock exchange.

In what time horizon?

Of course, we do not know exactly how the situation will develop, but I would say so in two to four years.

What are your next brand plans?

We are lucky that this is a concept that works. Modern retro style. I would liken Breitling to a race car, which is great, but at the moment it’s going to be two. And we would like to get to a higher speed to go to three, four, prospectively up to six. We would like to continue to improve and introduce the general population.

Open other boutiques around the world?

As for the number of boutiques, we have 150 and we plan to open another 100 in the coming years. Of these, a large number in China, where we arrived late, have only been there for four years and we plan to develop there.

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