Title: Lebanese Presidential Election Remains in Limbo as Vacancy Continues
Subtitle: Political calculations and overlapping prices delay the election process
Date: [Current Date]
Byline: [Author’s Name]
Since the last session to elect the president on June 14 and the inconclusive poll results, the Lebanese presidential election has entered a state of uncertainty. The election process has been stagnant, with no clear timeline for when it will resume. The prolonged vacancy of the presidency, now in its eighth month, has become a norm in a country accustomed to political instability and economic challenges.
The Lebanese people and authorities have grown accustomed to living with deteriorating living conditions and a struggling economy. Official administrations remain idle for most of the week, and the two constitutional authorities, the House of Representatives and the government, are functioning minimally. The lack of urgency to convene the presidential election session reflects the balance of power that currently makes it impossible to reach a consensus.
A month ago, a controversy surrounding the end of the term of the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, further complicated the situation. The issue was thought to expedite the election of a new president, but a solution was presented by Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Nasrallah opposed appointing a new governor for the central bank and extending Salameh’s term. Instead, he called for a caretaker government to agree on an alternative.
This solution, proposed by Nasrallah, implied that the replacement of First Deputy Governor Wassim Mansouri was inevitable. The transition from one sect to another temporarily was seen as a natural progression until the election of the President of the Republic. With this change, there have been no incentives to rush the presidential election, as the vacancy in the central bank has been resolved.
However, the upcoming vacancy of the position of Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, poses a new challenge. The Chief of Staff position has been vacant since Major General Amin Aram’s retirement in December 2022. According to the National Defense Law, the Minister of Defense has the exclusive authority to suggest the name of the Chief of Staff. The Council of Ministers can disagree with the proposed name but cannot replace it with another.
Recently, a proposal was raised to allow the Army Commander to suggest the name of the Chief of Staff, contrary to the Defense Law. This suggestion has sparked debates and discussions within military circles. General Aoun emphasized that no one can deputize for the Army Commander except the Chief of Staff.
The current situation highlights the need to evaluate the problem and its potential solutions. If a new Chief of Staff is not appointed, the highest-ranking officer in the army, Major General Pierre Saab, is the likely candidate to fill the vacancy. However, the restricted authority of the Defense Minister to propose the Chief of Staff makes it difficult for the Council of Ministers or any other party to bypass this process.
The root of the problem lies in the affiliation of Defense Minister Maurice Selim with the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Representative Gebran Bassil. This affiliation has raised concerns about potential challenges to the legal scope of the appointment process.
As the Lebanese presidential election remains in limbo, the country faces ongoing political calculations and overlapping prices. The delay in the election process reflects the complex dynamics and power struggles within the Lebanese political landscape. Until a consensus is reached, the presidency will continue to remain vacant, prolonging the uncertainty and challenges faced by the Lebanese people.ant, according to the National Defense Law.
2- The Minister of Defense has the authority to suggest the name of the Chief of Staff, but the appointment must be approved by the Council of Ministers.
3- There has been no Chief of Staff in the army since December 2022.
4- A proposal has been raised to allow the Army Commander to suggest the name of the Chief of Staff, contrary to the Defense Law.
The article highlights the ongoing vacancy in the position of the Lebanese president and the lack of urgency to convene an election session. It also discusses the resolution of the controversy surrounding the Governor of the Banque du Liban and the expected transition of power. The article then shifts focus to the upcoming vacancy in the position of Army Commander and the potential political calculations and prices that may arise. The article concludes by presenting the data related to the issue and highlighting the proposed solution of allowing the Army Commander to suggest the name of the Chief of Staff.
What concerns does the international community have about the potential precedent set by the delays and complications surrounding the Lebanese presidential election
The position. However, there are concerns about the precedent it would set and the potential for further unrest within the army.
The delays and complications surrounding the presidential election and the vacancies in key positions within the country’s institutions reflect the deep political divisions and power struggles that have plagued Lebanon for years. The stalemate and lack of progress only exacerbate the economic crisis and further erode public trust in the government.
The international community has expressed its concerns about the situation in Lebanon, urging political leaders to put their differences aside and prioritize the election of a new president. The Lebanese people deserve a stable and functioning government that can address the pressing issues facing the country, including the economic collapse, widespread corruption, and the ongoing social and political unrest.
It remains to be seen when the Lebanese presidential election will finally take place and who will emerge as the country’s next leader. Until then, Lebanon remains in limbo, with its future uncertain and its people caught in a cycle of political turmoil and economic hardship.
This article highlights the alarming issue of stagnation in Lebanon’s presidential election process and the potential consequences it poses on the country’s institutions. It’s crucial for Lebanon’s political leaders to act swiftly and responsibly to address this issue and ensure the stability and effectiveness of the nation’s governance.