“Nothing is decided yet, discussions are underway”… André-Gwénaël Pors, the director of CH Laval assures this morning on the antenna of France Bleu Mayenne that the figure of 200 beds closed this summer in Mayenne hospitals, given by Force Ouvrière, is not to the agenda: “We do not yet know how many beds will be closed because there are discussions in the establishments and in the services, every summer we close beds, it is normal. In Laval, I have made a commitment that the employees have three weeks of leave, the consultation still exists, I will issue a memo before the weekend. “
There is no staff leakage, it is rather difficult to recruit-André-Gwénaël Pors the director of CH Laval
In Mayenne, 14 nurses would ask to take an availability
According to Sébastien Lardeux, the departmental secretary of FO in Mayenne, there is a staff leak. He takes for example the Mayenne hospital where according to him, 14 nurses ask for availability, they would even be ready to resign! In Laval, they would be even more numerous according to the trade unionist. False retorts André-Gwénaël Pors: “There is no staff leakage, we have rather difficulties recruiting nursing care because there are not enough students to leave school in Laval. Absenteeism remains correct since this is 1% more than last year. Staff are tired, you have not missed it, we have been managing a health crisis for a year and a half, it is normal for staff to be exasperated and tired, I am like them, with the elections there are national demands coming out, the trade unions are doing their work, my objective is the organization of care and the proper functioning of the hospital. “
André-Gwénaël Pors who will have to manage this file before leaving Mayenne, he leaves at the end of June for the Boulogne hospital.