Home » World » The St. Patrick’s Day Festivities of Weidenthaler Whiskey Club

The St. Patrick’s Day Festivities of Weidenthaler Whiskey Club

Saint Patrick is said to have brought Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century. However, there are hardly any reliable facts about the country’s patron saint. Birth and death dates of St. Patrick are not known. Some historians suggest that the saint’s form as he is venerated today represented at least two individuals. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church as well as the Anglican Church of Ireland.

St. Patrick’s Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig) is the commemoration of the Irish Bishop Patrick, who probably lived in the 5th century and is considered the first Christian missionary in Ireland. As every year, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17th. This is a public holiday in Ireland. This day is also celebrated around the world by Irish people, Irish expatriates and non-Irish people alike. Large parades are held in the capital Dublin and many other Irish cities. The biggest marches and festivals still take place in Munich, New York, Boston, New Orleans, Chicago, Manchester and Great Britain’s capital London. In Munich this year, parade and celebrations were celebrated on Sunday, March 12th. Also present were Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter and the well-known “Whisky Vicar” Dr.Dr. Wolfgang F. Rothe, priest, theologian and canon lawyer at the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.

The largest continental European parade regularly attracts more than 30,000 participants and spectators to the Bavarian capital. A film report on Bavarian television gave Weidenthal’s club boss McHerbie (Herbert Laubscher) the idea, we’ll do that too. And in no time at all, guests were invited to the “Herminator Brewery” in Diemerstein for St. Patrick’s Day in the Palatinate. The result was a small and very fine celebration with cellar beer, grilled specialties and some really great Irish whiskey specialties. And the background music from the can also went perfectly with it. Irish folk music with Ronan Drury, co-creator of the club’s anniversary celebration almost exactly one year ago. A wonderful and atmospheric evening and proof that even short-term activities can provide a lot of joy and fun.

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