Several weekends of competitions followed one another for the Graulhétois swimmers. Six lifeguards were qualified for the French national 2 flat water championships in Angoulème. They made a strong impression with no less than 7 medals including four titles of French national champions 2: Keelin Costenaro in the 100 m combined minimal, Gabrielle Masanelli in the 100 m combined junior, Lina El Kobaï in the 100 m Bouée Tube and Mattéo Thorel-Lorenzini at 200 m Obstacles. Louane Madonia, Thomas Culié and Keelin are vice-champions.
In Race Swimming, Lilou Criquet, Marie-Tess Balliccioni and Bastien Blanc represented the club at the Occitanie spring meeting in Toulouse. They maintain their times after two years of covid. Their coach can start the last period of work with more visibility and prepare the course in Canet during the school holidays.
Note also the good performances in Montauban by 19 SCG swimmers aged 10 to 17 who were present for the spring interdepartmental championships. No less than 37 podiums over the weekend, including 13 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 15 bronze medals. Club records also fell in 100NL and 100 4/Nages 17 years and over for Gabrielle Masanelli, 50 NL 12 years for Efraim Tabouche, 100 backstroke for 17 years with 2004/Nages 17 years and 18 years and over for Bastien Blanc. The season is not over with, for the lifeguards, a trip to Dinard and Saint-Malo from May 26 to 29. “This will be the first test at sea for our rescuers in preparation for the French coastal championships which will
will take place at the beginning of September”, underlines the president.