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The Special Full Moon of Chuseok: A Rare Celestial Show in the Skies


During Chuseok, many people make wishes while looking at the full moon in the night sky, right?

It is said that the full moon of Chuseok this year is special.

It is said that a large and bright moon comparable to a super moon will rise, and Jupiter and Saturn will also shine on the left and right.

This is reporter Jeong Hye-yoon’s report.


Chuseok, the nation’s biggest holiday,

Since ancient times, our ancestors have made wishes while looking at the full moon.

This is because it was believed that the larger and rounder the Chuseok full moon, the better the harvest and the richer the fall fishing grounds.

This year, on Chuseok, you can see an unusually large and round full moon.

The moon rises in Seoul at 6:23 p.m., at approximately 57 p.m., when it becomes largest and roundest.

If you compare the size at this time to last month’s super moon, there is only a 1% difference.

It is a super moon level full moon.

There will also be a space show where you can see Saturn and Jupiter together with the full moon in between.

Around 5 p.m., Saturn will rise first and the full moon will appear in the lower left.

Afterwards, around 8 p.m., Jupiter will also appear to the lower left of the full moon, and the three celestial bodies will continue to shine together throughout the night.

[이태형/충주 고구려 천문과학관장 : 올해 한가위에는 지난달의 슈퍼 블루문과 크기가 거의 비슷한 크고 둥근 보름달이 떠오릅니다]

In particular, the 1st magnitude planet Saturn is located in the upper right, and Jupiter, which is about 10 times brighter than Saturn, is located in the lower left.

The rendezvous of the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn is expected to decorate the night sky after Chuseok until October 2nd, the latter half of the Golden Week holiday.

This is Jeong Hye-yoon of YTN.

Video Editing: Oh Hwon Seul-gi

Graphics: Inside view

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