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The Spanish Prime Minister has formed an economic recovery government

Sanchez has led a minority government since January 2020, consisting of the Socialists he represents and the far-left party Unidas Podemos (“Together We Can”).

During the pandemic, he managed to stay in office and secure the approval of some opposition parties.

“Leaving the pandemic behind, the new government will focus on the country’s economic recovery and job creation, taking full advantage of the huge opportunities offered by the European Union’s recovery funds,” Sanchez said.

Sanchez has made women’s rights one of his priorities, and in his new cabinet, 14 of the 22 ministerial seats will be held by the fairer sex, compared to only 12 women in the previous government.

During the reform of the cabinet, Sanchez left the seven ministerial portfolios reserved for left-wing extremists intact and replaced only his party members.

The biggest change is the departure of Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo from the Cabinet. She will be replaced by the former Minister of Economy Nadia Calvinjo.

Calvo leaves the cabinet after a conflict with equality minister and Podemos spokeswoman Irene Montero over a law that legalizes so-called “gender self-determination.”

The former Ambassador to France, José Albaress, has been appointed Foreign Minister in place of Arança Gonzalez Laay, who has been sharply criticized for the recent conflict with Morocco.

Just a few weeks after pardoning Catalan nationalist leaders, Justice Minister Juan Campo will also resign. His chair will be filled by the former Judge of the Senate, Pilar Lyopa.

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