Madrid/A Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) to legalize more than 500,000 migrants was presented this Tuesday to the Spanish Parliament and was supported by all parliamentary groups except the Vox party. The approval, which will take place in the afternoon, marks the beginning of the parliamentary process of the text, which could be modified through the amendments presented by the groups themselves.
The petition was presented by more than 800 NGOs that joined together in the Esenciales project to demand the extraordinary regularization of those foreigners in an irregular administrative situation who were residing in Spain before November 1, 2021. The project has more than 700,000 signatures that support the initiative.
The project has more than 700,000 signatures that support the initiative
Through ordinary regulation, migrants who prove that they have worked six months in a period of two years and who are in an irregular situation can request a residence due to work roots. What these organizations propose, however, is the mass registration of people who reside and work in Spain from the indicated date.
In Spain, six regulations of this type have been carried out. The first was between 1991 and 1992 and benefited 108,321 foreigners. In 1996, another 21,294 people were regularized. Then, in 2000, 163,352 people obtained documentation, in 2001 they added another 239,000 and in 2005, the last of these processes, they were granted to more than half a million migrants.
Since that date, almost 20 years ago, the Spanish Government had not initiated a regularization process of this type.