The Spanish writer Jesus Carrasco has been awarded the Short Library Awardin its 66th edition, with the novel Praise of the hands.
The award jury, made up of Rafael Arias, Pere Gimferrer, Lola Pons, Elena Ramírez and Rosario Villajoshas highlighted Praise of the hands, winning novel for being “a healing and luminous novel that narrates the process of restoring a house in the countryside that ends up redeeming the family it occupies.” “A beautiful human parable about the importance of manual work as the ultimate origin of art.”
The act of delivery of Short Library Award 2024 was held today, Monday, February 5, at the Barcelona Maritime Museum. The novel, edited by Seix Barral, will be available next year 6th of March in bookstores.
The traditional lunch, held after the announcement of the award, brought together distinguished writers from the publishing house such as Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Enrique Vila Matas, and Eduardo Mendoza, as well as Rodrigo Fresán, Javier Moro, and Santiago Roncagliolo, agents and journalists, at the Planeta group’s second party of the year, after the Nadal award ceremony on January 6.
Seix Barral was founded in 1911, as a graphic arts company, and soon integrated into the publishing tradition of Barcelona to become a benchmark in Spain and Latin America.
At the time, she was attentive to a new post-war narrative and the boom of Latin American literature and currently its magnificent catalog combines the prestige of established authors with a firm commitment to recently created works. In 1982, Seix Barral joined Grupo Planeta.
Since 1958, Seix Barral has been organizing the Brief Library Prize for novels in the Spanish language, one of the most prestigious in the Spanish literary field. In 1972 the award stopped being held until 1999 when the publisher reinstated the competition. On the list of winners from its first period are names from Latin American literature such as Luis Goytisolo, Juan Marsé, Juan Benet, Guillermo Cabrera Infante and Mario Vargas Llosa. And today it maintains its initial purpose of “stimulating young writers to join the movement to renew European literature.”

#Spanish #Jesús #Carrasco #wins #Biblioteca #Breve