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The Sonora River case is open; there will be no ‘filing’: López Obrador

Mexico City. In the case of the long process of remediation and attention to the damage caused by the worst environmental disaster resulting from mining activity in the Sonora River, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that it is an open case and there will be no closure until the remediation of the environment and repair of the damage is achieved. For this reason, he said, there is a criminal complaint against Grupo México filed by the Ministry of the Environment because according to the studies carried out, it is concluded that the levels of environmental remediation were not reached.

During the conference, a report was presented on the progress of the Justice Plan for Cananea, which was launched two years ago. However, according to Semarnat, despite the fact that there is a working group to provide comprehensive follow-up, “there is a strategy of delaying compliance with the remediation of Grupo México, since the technical committee was established with the participation of representatives of the company, but they have ignored the resolutions on environmental responsibility.”

The head of Semarnat, María Luisa Albores, said that although in the previous administration environmental authorities endorsed the completion of the remediation actions and the extinction of the trust to finance subsequent actions to continue with the actions of recovery of the area, in this administration the follow-up was reopened.

A new document was issued detailing the persistence of significant levels of contamination in soil, air and water, in compliance with resolutions of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

He stressed that as a result of this, Grupo México was ordered to modify the programs for remediating the damage. Semarnat said that, on the contrary, they have not only refused a new remediation proposal but have also initiated a nullity suit against Semarnat’s actions.

For her part, the Secretary of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde said that “regardless of the progress in the dialogue, two lawsuits are still pending. The first one has to do with the trust resolution for the repair of damages derived from the spill and the criminal complaint filed by Semarnat against Grupo México by Semarnat are still pending.

He also said that the agency’s efforts are moving forward in the first of the five phases established at the dialogue table with Grupo México, which includes water purification plants to supply 24 communities with an investment of 295 million pesos.

He said that on the instructions of the president, starting in July 2021 the Justice Plan for Cananea was started, which includes various facets, among others, incorporating mining workers who for some reason did not contribute during their active years and who were incorporated into the IMSS. This involved a contribution of 300 million pesos from Grupo México to benefit 1,409 workers who were in this condition and who currently receive 7,572 pesos; attention to the historical demand of section 65 of the miners’ union

In addition, negotiations have been held to advance the incorporation of 405 miners into the IMSS: not only to have medical care but also to contribute to the IMSS and have access to a pension. A dialogue is continuing, a plan to vindicate the historic struggle of 800 workers.

He recalled that there are also three lawsuits involving 3,800 workers claiming 5 percent of the resources generated by the sale of shares sold by Grupo México and whose resolution is still pending.

#Sonora #River #case #open #filing #López #Obrador
– 2024-08-15 15:55:18

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