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The solar eclipse in Aries gives off this powerful energy


Yesterday a total solar eclipse took place that was visible in America, Canada and part of Mexico. And although we were not able to see this special natural phenomenon in real life, you can notice its influence. The solar eclipse of April 8 also coincided with the new moon in the fiery sign Aries. This released a very intense energy.

A total solar eclipse, also called an eclipse, is one rare natural phenomenon. It occurs when the moon comes between the earth and the sun. The brightest part of the sun is then blocked, making it really dark on Earth. What is also special about the solar eclipse is that the ring around the sun that you normally cannot see, is now visible. This halo of light is called the corona and it looks very impressive.

Solar eclipse and science

In addition, scientists receive an enormous amount of information because the brightest part of the sun is not visible for about five minutes. PhD student in observatory and mathematics and natural sciences Martje Slob says about this: “What we don’t understand very well now is how the particles from the sun that come to Earth affect our Earth. With such a solar eclipse you can see those particles very clearly, which allows us to better estimate what effect the sun could have on our lives.”

Solar eclipse in the sign of Aries

In total it was dark for a few hours and that’s okay influence on natureFor example, birds stop singing, but also on humans. For many, the solar eclipse represents a fresh start, making plans for the future and new ideas. The solar eclipse takes place in the constellation Aries. This is the first sign of the zodiac and it symbolizes new beginnings, energy and decisiveness.

New energy and making decisions

The solar eclipse in Aries can therefore be a time of fresh starts and taking initiative. It can be an invitation to be brave and take on new adventures. That you dare to make decisions and make important choices for your future. You may also feel empowered to take charge of your life (again), perhaps by making different choices.

Aries is a fiery sign and is also known for its passion and determination. During a solar eclipse in Aries, the energy can be intense and you may get the feeling that you have to make plans or make decisions immediately. It is therefore important that you keep calm and do not act impulsively. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the powerful energies of this solar eclipseso it is essential to take time for rest, meditation and self-reflection.

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