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The SOD student evacuated to Bordeaux, more than 272 million F Cfa mobilized

Sadio Ousmane Diédhiou (SOD) was evacuated to France. The student in the thesis year at the Faculty of Medicine of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Ucad) suffering from “aplastic anemia” arrived Tuesday morning in Bordeaux where he was well taken care of. The announcement was made by the “HELP SOD” committee during its press conference. On the occasion, the committee took stock of the funds that were mobilized.

Pape Mor Lô, a member of the collective, returned to the results of his fundraising operations: “the financial report is made up of three parts. The first is the collection that has been launched, the momentum of solidarity, and the participation of the Senegalese. The second part, it is the participation of the State to the tune of 120 million F Cfa with 100 million which were paid directly to the Bordeaux University Hospital and 20 million paid to the personal account of SOD. And the third part is the other contributions that were made at the end ”.

He informs that the money that was collected was paid directly to SOD’s account. A total of 170 million CFA francs were collected. In sum, the total amount amounts to more than 272 million 905 thousand 791 CFA francs including the 120 million from the President of the Republic relating to the support of SOD.

SOD will receive treatment at the Bordeaux University Hospital Center (CHU).

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