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The Snowball of the West Sumatra Governor’s Donation Letter reaches the Ears of the KPK


The controversy over the signed donation letter Governor of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Mahyeldi Ansarullah keep rolling like a ball. Now the snowball reaches the ear NCP.

The KPK commented on the request for donations signed by Mahyeldi. In fact, the KPK reminded Mahyeldi to avoid acts that are classified as gratification.

“The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds civil servants (PN) and State Administrators (PN) to avoid acts that can be categorized as prohibited gratifications,” said Acting Spokesperson for KPK Prevention, Ipi Maryati Kuding to reporters, Sunday (22/8). /2021).

Ipi explained that requesting or giving donations to civil servants for personal interests or on behalf of state institutions is an act that is prohibited and can have implications for acts of corruption. Not only that, even that act can cause a conflict of interest and conflict with the code of ethics.

“Therefore, the KPK reminds regional heads and other civil servants not to ask for, give, or accept donations, gifts and other forms that can be categorized as gratuities related to positions and contrary to their obligations or duties, whether given or received legally. directly or disguised in various forms. These actions are prohibited because they can cause conflicts of interest, conflict with regulations or codes of ethics, and have the risk of criminal sanctions, “said Ipi.

Ipi said the KPK had reminded the heads of institutions/ministry/regional governments and others about the circular on gratification control. In the SE, the prohibition on gratification has been stated to prevent corruption.

“KPK in its Circular on Gratification Control has reminded the leaders of ministries/institutions/organizations/regional governments and BUMN/BUMD, as well as leaders of associations/companies/corporations, as well as all civil servants and state administrators to avoid gratification and comply with the legal provisions stipulated in the law. in order to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption,” he said.

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