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The snow prohibits the passage of buses and trucks from Molledo to Mataporquera


The snow that has fallen in the last hours is conditioning the circulation on the A-67 Plateau Highway and also on the N-611 national road, where the passage of buses and trucks is prohibited, according to information from the General Directorate of Traffic consulted by Europa Press.

On the A-67, adverse weather forces you to drive carefully between Cartes and Molledo, where buses are being bagged, as well as being done in Arenas de Iguña towards Palencia, where the parking lot is 20% occupied. And also, in that same direction, the left lane has been closed at the height of Santa Cruz, from kilometer 158 to 157.5.

Traffic is also difficult on the N-611 at kilometer 157 in Molledo to kilometer 121 in Mataporquera in both directions and the passage of trucks, buses and articulated vehicles is prohibited, and the use of chains or winter tires is mandatory.

For the rest, in the secondary network the ports of Lunada, La Sía, Estacas de Trueba, Palombera and La Matanela are still closed, and chains must be used in those of Piedrasluengas, Alto Campoo and El Caracol, as well as in about thirty sections of roads more.

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