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The smartphone has become essential for more than three-quarters of French seniors

Without too much surprise in an increasingly connected world, multimedia devices have become real life companions; and in this area, seniors are no exception! Indeed, according to this new study, the latter do not represent a big difference in terms of multimedia equipment with the rest of the population.

Smartphones, laptops, televisions, tablets … If the 21st century is one of the generalization of technological equipment, a trend which has only been confirmed with the pandemic and the generalization of remote exchanges, what figures characterize consumption? digital technology for seniors?

We therefore learn that people aged 60 and over have invested over the past 12 months in: a smartphone for nearly a quarter of them (24%); in a television (16%); in a digital tablet (14%); in a laptop (12%); in accessories such as headphones, headphones, connected watch … (11%) and in a camera-camcorder (4%) which comes last, given that our smartphones tend to replace cameras …

Unsurprisingly and quite logically, the health crisis and remote exchanges have reaffirmed our dependence on new technologies, in particular to keep in touch, have fun and manage everyday life … but from a distance!

Moreover, again according to this survey, a good number of seniors are specially equipped to adapt to this new way of life. Thus, nearly two-thirds (61%) say that the health crisis has reinforced their attachment to their multimedia objects, to such an extent that many qualify them as essential!

This is particularly the case for smartphones (78%), televisions (65%) and laptops (63%), tablets (20%), cameras / camcorders (6%), accessories (3%). We also note that nearly a third (32%) of respondents who own a smartphone consider themselves to be “addicts” to their phone.

However, getting equipped is not without consequences on their budget! So even while optimizing costs, it represents a real cost for households. In fact, 43% believe that they own a multimedia park worth between 1,000 and 2,499 euros or even over 2,500 euros for 11% of them. A real investment for products whose value deteriorates rapidly with the arrival of new products almost permanently!

However, only a quarter (26%) of seniors think that having their devices insured is important. The main reasons given are: the ever increasing cost of multimedia devices (26%); the fact that insurance allows better management in the event of a problem (23%); manufacturers’ guarantees deemed insufficient (17%) and to be more serene in the face of daily hazards (10%).

* Study carried out by YouGov France for Celside Insurance. The survey was carried out on a sample of 1,000 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over. The survey was carried out online, on the YouGov France proprietary panel from May 10 to 11, 2021. Remember that Celside was launched in France in 2020, it specializes in multimedia insurance to protect connected devices: smartphones, tablets, computers, drones, game consoles, household appliances …

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