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The Smartest Person in the World Recap: Week’s Episode Highlights

TVHe says he is paid handsomely for it and so Erik Van Looy is happy to sit on his head and laugh at his age, American film adventure and even his love breaks in ‘The smartest person in the world’. In Wednesday’s episode, the quizmaster was once again portrayed as a loser, but he bit the jury back for the first time and was slightly annoyed. It earned him applause.

However, it was a cheerful episode of ‘The smartest person in the world’ on Wednesday with a lot of variety. A visual activity question that resulted in three drum solos? Check! A Mexican wave in the studio? Check! Strange anecdotes about the color of semen? Check! The teasing atmosphere that has characterized ‘The Smartest Person’ for 21 seasons was present again this time from the start. Newcomer Dominique Van Malder was ready for his second participation, albeit several years and 60 kilos later. Jury member Pedro Elias jendered: “You finally fit in the chair.” Dominique nodded: “Yes, this feels like a second sitting.” Erik kindly added: “You look very happy, Stupid.” To which the quiz candidate responded: “That’s me too. And I wish I could say the same about you.” The actor had to admit that his nickname ‘Dumpie’ would not exactly deter the other candidates, but the tone was immediately set and the atmosphere was good.

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Also with the jury members Pedro Elias and Jeroen van Koningsbrugge, who were again on Erik’s side. When asked a question about King Arthur, Jeroen suddenly accused the quizmaster of being rather condescending because an answer, namely knights, had not been found, while Erik thought that was obvious. “How you say that, Erik. I just want to point that out to you. Not respectful and a nasty tone,” Jeroen thought. Erik was surprised, but accepted the criticism with a smile. As always. Immediately afterwards something similar happened and the answer ‘Pamela Anderson’ elicited a chuckle from Erik. “Why that smile again, Erik?” Jeroen insisted.

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The quizmaster was clearly a bit taken aback by the headwind and responded with mock irritation: “Sorry, but your tone is a bit strange.” Erik putting his jury in their place: the viewer had not seen that yet. It earned him applause.

Pedro Elias and Jeroen van Koningsbrugge in ‘The smartest person in the world’. © rv

Among the candidates, the biggest applause did not go to Dominique Van Malder. The actor spent the entire episode following the facts, who in this case were called Guga Baúl and Jacotte Brokken. The weather woman, who was a guest for the fourth time, was eager for her very first victory and she eventually succeeded. Even with a 242 second lead and without Robin Pront’s dogged tendencies. The beaming Jacotte’s final score was even more than that of Dominique and Guga combined. “This first victory feels good, Erik,” he said. Guga, experienced thanks to six passes, had to settle it with Dompie in the final round. The voice imitator may have had a bad day, but he never got into trouble. The ticket for the next round, which Sinterklaas had in his pocket, ended up in Guga’s shoe. Dominique said she had a nice experience, but had to go home empty-handed.

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Jacotte Brokken wins the episode ahead of Guga and Dominique. © RV

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LOOK. Actress Ahlaam Teghadouini is the new candidate on Thursday. Erik weighs her chances.

WATCH ALSO. Dominique Van Malder says: “I was once molested by a police officer”

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2023-12-06 21:25:51
#joke #Erik #Van #Looy #longer #accepts #comments #jury #smartest #person #tone #bit #strange

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