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The “smart guys” now “tremble” So INPS can reveal the names

Harsh warning from the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, on the affair of the deputies, including a pentastellato exponent, who benefit from the Inps bonus of 600 euros put guaranteed by the government for VAT numbers in difficulty due to the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. “Among the 5 deputies I read that there would also be an exponent of the 5 Stars. I don’t care what political force they come from, I only know that these 5 deputies can no longer represent the institutions. Just as they had the courage to take a bonus 600 euros earning a net salary of 13 thousand euros per month, now have the courage to come out in the open Have the courage to show themselves to the Italians “, wrote the minister in a post that appeared on Facebook.

Knowing the names of the politicians who benefit from the bonus is not possible for privacy issues but perhaps a way has been found to get around the obstacle of the “right to privacy”. Di Maio himself has, in fact, relaunched the proposal made this morning by the political leader of the M5s, Vito Crimi, which invited all five-star parliamentarians to sign a declaration to authorize INPS to provide the data of who has benefited from the bonus why “such a serious fact cannot pass without consequences”.

The minister has guaranteed that he is ready to join the idea of ​​renouncing privacy so as to authorize the INPS to publish the names. But at the same time Di Maio also invited all parliamentarians of every political force to do the same. “Mine – he explained – is an appeal to all party leaders: ask their elected officials to renounce privacy and allow INPS to make public the names of these profiteers. And no one thinks of placing their own faults on others, putting in the way for example i accountants to save himself “.

Shortly after the proposal also joined the deputy minister of Mise, Stefano Buffagni, who on Facebook wrote to be “ready to sign a declaration to INPS on my renunciation of privacy, all parliamentarians must do it !!! Transparency on who has had the nerve to ask for those sums is fundamental”. But from the majority comes an invitation to caution. The vice president of the Chamber and exponent of Italia viva (among the 5 who benefited from the bonus of 600 euros there would be a parliamentarian from the party led by Matteo Renzi, ed), Ettore Rosato, claimed that “This way of doing public service on the part of INPS is barbaric. We at Italia viva are not aware that any parliamentarian belonging to our group has asked for the bonus. We formally invite INPS, which has spread this information, to deny the news of our involvement make the names public “.

From the opposition, however, the voice of the Forza Italia senator rises, Andrea Cangini. Through social media, the blue exponent launched an accusation against Luigi Di Maio. “Subdued appeal to fellow journalists: finished stripping, as is right, the news of the five deputies without dignity or honor who have abused public resources, not neglected that to really affect politics and society are two other news, in fact” sensational “- said the senator.– The first: the incumbent foreign minister has induced the director of a public institute appointed by him to pillory five parliamentarians (who should be kicked out, but who have not violated the law) to influence the democratic vote on a constitutional referendum in the near future. The second: the case of the 5 deputies highlighted the fact that a decree, the Relaunch, voted by Minister Luigi Di Maio and by all the parliamentarians of M5s, Pd, Italia Viva and Leu allowed thousands of “abuses”, squandering millions euros of public money in the midst of a national drama due to the fact that public money is in short supply ”.

The deputy from Fi, Annagrazia Calabria, he asked himself where the sense of morality and respect for the country have gone and added: “How much misery those parliamentary colleagues and regional councilors who requested and obtained the VAT bonus. A disgrace to the millions of Italians who lost their jobs due to Covid19”. No less tender is the senator’s comment Gianluigi Paragone who stated how it is “at least unworthy and shameful that parliamentarians who receive 12 thousand euros a month have asked for the bonus of 600 euros for workers and VAT numbers”. The former 5s parliamentarian sent the INPS President to “make known the names of the 5 crafty ladies and that the political parties they belong to take immediate action. Those who benefit from a public contribution take money from the community and for this reason they cannot act as a shield of privacy, even more so if they are a parliamentarian of the Republic. This episode demonstrates, once again, how badly the rules of this government are written and without criteria “.

Fabio Rampelli, vice president of the Chamber and deputy of Fdi, guest on the ‘Start’ broadcast on Skytg24 went more specifically and launched a attack on the government who, in his opinion, has made a mistake. “The decree- explained the deputy- it should have provided a shield to prevent categories with significant turnover or allowances from consuming the resources that the state has allocated for VAT numbers, starting with the parliamentarians. The 5 Stars are still confirmed as the worst party in republican history because if it were confirmed that among the crafty parliamentarians there is also a grillino, after Minister Azzolina who participates in the competition for school leaders, the citizenship income given to offenders and terrorists, the release of over 300 mafia bosses, the story of the fake bank transfer receipts to evade the donation to micro enterprises… another cornerstone of a movement that has completely lost its presumed identity would fall. “

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