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The Slovak government has declared a state of emergency

On the social network, Prime Minister Igor Matovič did not rule out that the state of emergency would continue even after 45 days. “We will see how the trip to Dušičky will affect us, and then we will decide whether to continue or be able to return to normal. We have it together in our hands, “Matovič wrote.

EMERGENCY CONDITION APPROVED … so far for 45 days from October 1, ie we will see how the travels through Dušičky and …

Posted by Igor Matovic on Wednesday, September 30, 2020

During the first wave of coronavirus, the medical emergency only applied. The government declared it on March 16 and lasted until June 14. According to the Slovak Constitution, a state of emergency can be declared for a maximum of 90 days in the event of a threat to human life and health. Fundamental rights and freedoms can be restricted during a state of emergency.

On Monday, the Central Crisis Staff banned all mass actions with effect from 1 October. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Matovič specified that a maximum of 50 people will take part in public events from the first of October. It will not matter whether it is a sport, culture or Mass. The same limit will apply to both indoor and outdoor events.

“If there are 50 athletes plus an implementation team, the match will be without spectators. If there are 20 actors in the theater, there can be 30 spectators at the performance, “said the Prime Minister of Slovakia.

On Tuesday, Slovakia recorded a record increase in the number of newly confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, namely 567. Another three people died. Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 10,141 people have been infected in Slovakia and 48 people have died.

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