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The slang school surrounded the school with the tricolor

The length of the decorated fence is as much as 1,248 meters

Photo by Pauliaus OFFICEROV: the entire educational community of the school joined the initiative and decorated the fences of the Slengiu School and two departments with ribbons symbolizing the Lithuanian flag. The total length of decorated fences is 1,248 m, 15 km of strips were used.

Klaipėda district’s Slengiu school-multifunctional center brought together the entire educational community – students, teachers, school staff and their family members – for a common initiative. In 3 schools, a total of 1,248 meters of segmental fences were covered with strips of three colors symbolizing the Lithuanian flag. The initiative of the restoration of the state of Lithuania and its Independence Day required as many as 15 km of ribbons!
The whole community gathered
The director of the educational institution, Inga Baužienė, said that every year the Slengių school-multifunctional center tries to celebrate the most important dates for Lithuania in an original and creative way. The director came up with the idea of ​​being more visible. “We just didn’t think this idea would gain such huge momentum. We were going to decorate only the most visible part of the school’s segmental fence along the main street with tricolor stripes. The idea was strengthened by the perseverance of Indrė Mažonienė, the deputy director for education – to decorate the fence surrounding the entire school territory. The collective found this idea interesting and soon we began to implement it”, said I. Baužienė. The entire local education community rallied to help, they united for a beautiful initiative.
The entire fence surrounding the Slengii school was decorated with tricolor stripes (about 1,161 meters), 35 meters of the fence was decorated in the Gindulai section, which educates pre-school and pre-school children, and 52 meters in the Yaki section. “Therefore, a total of 1,248 meters of segmental fence have been decorated with tricolor stripes. We used 15 km of ribbons (3 colors of 5 km each) to implement this initiative. All preparation and consistent work took place as a team and quickly. The preparation lasted only 4 days, and we welcomed the day of the restoration of the state of Lithuania with joy at the overall result”, I. Baužienė shared the meaningful work.
When asked if this could be a Lithuanian record, the head of the educational institution said that she never thinks about setting a record in similar initiatives. However, after receiving the encouragement of community members, they are already preparing to submit documents to achieve the national record.
Develops citizenship
In the departments of the Slengii school-multipurpose center, open activities, quizzes, brainstorming sessions dedicated to our native country were organized throughout the preparation week. According to her, the preparation was crowned by the 1st-4th grade song braid for Lithuania, the story of “Gedimin’s dream” staged by preschoolers and a festive concert in the Yaki section. It is also becoming a tradition in the school to organize a checkers competition for students of grades 1-4 to win the school cup, commemorating the day of the restoration of Lithuania’s independence. This year, the educational institution also joins the civic initiative “The Living Ring of the Nation”.
“To every student, no matter what age he is, we talk about the Motherland from an early age, we nurture Lithuanian folk traditions, games, customs, we strive for students to love their country, respect its people and be proud to live in Lithuania”, – he presented a beautiful goal the head of the school.
Romas Daugnoras, the elder of Aukškiemiai Eldership, was happy about this initiative. “It’s very cool that the whole school is decorated in this way, and such activities are being created,” said R. Daugnoras to Bangai.

#slang #school #surrounded #school #tricolor
– 2024-04-03 05:51:55

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