Home » today » World » The “Skripal” problem or the reproducing absence of the Bulgarian national and civilizational identity!… – 2024-08-01 11:05:25

The “Skripal” problem or the reproducing absence of the Bulgarian national and civilizational identity!… – 2024-08-01 11:05:25

/ world today news/ I know that once again I will sound sarcastic, but let me ask how the ideological dogmatics, whether “left” or “right”, will interpret from their positions today’s Bulgarian dilemma – whether or not to expel Russian diplomats from Bulgaria ?!

The limited horizons of the Bulgarian “left” or “right” ideologues have no way to respond to this vitally important historical situation, which will have enormous consequences for the future of the country! These ideological “luminaries” will modestly remain silent, because this problem cannot be posed at all, much less understood in their mental constructions! If the “leftists”, who still think that Russia is equal to the Soviet Union, will shyly “oppose” the expulsion, even as they roar wildly about their “European choice”, then the “rightists”, who are actually the former lackeys of the red aristocracy, they will servilely try to reconcile both positions – both to be “sympathetic” to Great Britain, and to try not to comply with the general Euro-Atlantic guidelines for the expulsion of Russian diplomats?!… Drama, isn’t it? , another unique, but, I emphasize, Bulgarian rural drama!!!… And where are the foundations of this tearing Bulgarian rural soul, the recurring idiocy in our history, in your opinion, dear ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades, “right” and “left” fools, for whom the “black and white” picture of the world taken together is the only correct one?!… No, dear, the world is not ideologically “black – white”, “left – right” – it is much more complex, colorful than you can imagine!…

Today’s fundamental problem, as if deliberately cleared before our eyes, comes down to the absurdity – we accepted to be a part of a civilization foreign to Bulgaria, the Catholic-Protestant one, mimicked through NATO and the European Union, and at the same time we renounced our own civilization, the Orthodox , in relation to which, through the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet, we are even its Subject! And now, with regard to the “Skripal Affair”, we writhe like amoebas, like worms, because we are not yet able to make sense of such a fundamental psychological drama, which neither the “left” nor the “right” ideologues can even begin to contemplate … Because the only thing they can reproduce is their servile role towards another “external savior”, and in this way they continuously humiliate the Bulgarian population, which in turn I do not see is particularly worried!.. .

In the end, my dear “left” and “right” ideologues, Humanity and its continuous Problematization is not and cannot be ideological, but is always only and only psychological, that is, cultural, religious and civilizational!…

This is the situation, ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades!

P.P. Otherwise, I agree with everyone who wrote to me on the e-mail that it is far better to gather in protest before the decision to expel the Russian diplomats, and not after! I leave it to you to tell me whether to do it tomorrow, during the Consultative Council with the Prime Minister, or before the next meeting of the Council of Ministers, when a final decision will be made! I’m waiting…

#Skripal #problem #reproducing #absence #Bulgarian #national #civilizational #identity..

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