IPOL.ID – Friends of ipol.id, of course you are no stranger to this one fruit. Yes, Pineapple. Fresh, fibrous and water-rich sweet fruit actually has a number of benefits for maintaining a healthy body. Not only that, pineapple skin waste, it turns out, can be used as a test which also has properties.
It is a group of Indonesian Islamic University (UII) students who created pineapple skin tea and even tried to make a business analysis of this processed fruit. They are Bagas Wahyu Nusantara, Estu Pujiarsih, and Faiza Salsabila, three D3 Economics Study Program students class of 2017.
They took the initiative to further explore the benefits of the pineapple peel into a more valuable product. The name Herlina Tea is embedded as a product name. The name is taken from the basic ingredients of its manufacture, namely “Herb tea from pineapple skin”.
Bagas said as the team leader, how to make pineapple skin tea is basically quite simple. “The initial stage is washing the fruit skin, then drying it for 3-4 days. After that, it is blended to soften the skin and finally, it remains only to put it in a tea bag and bag. Then it is ready to be consumed and marketed,” he said.
According to him, the benefits contained in pineapple peel tea include being good for the skin and containing flavanoid compounds which are good for the body, strengthening the immune system due to the content of vitamin C, and efficacious as anti-oxidants.
So what are the other benefits of Pineapple fruit? Abstracted from various sources, pineapple is one type of fruit to reduce the risk of hypertension. Hypertension occurs when there is a strong push against the walls of the arteries as blood circulates. One of the best ways to deal with this is to increase the amount of potassium offset by a small amount of sodium. Well, this content is found in pineapple, because this fruit contains about 1 mg of sodium and 195 mg of potassium.
Pineapple also helps to reduce weight. Consuming pineapple can help to eliminate the desire for sweet taste because it contains natural sugar and reduces consumption of high-calorie artificial sugar. Including a lot of pineapple content in food will also help you lose weight. Because pineapple can make you feel full without having to add 1 ounce of fat to the body.
In addition, pineapple is beneficial for eye health. According to many studies, pineapple can protect against age-related eye problems because it is rich in antioxidants.
Pineapple can fight many diseases because it contains Vitamin C. Pineapple is known to be a good source of Vitamin C which can protect the body from free radicals that attack the body. Too many free radicals in the body can cause diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and various cancers. No wonder pineapple can also be a great opponent to fight the flu and build up the immune system.
Pineapple can prevent plaque and maintain healthy teeth. Another benefit of the high content of Vitamin C in pineapple is that it can prevent the formation of plaque and gum disease.
In addition, pineapple can cure constipation and irregular bowel movements. Pineapple is rich in fiber making it effective for curing constipation and irregular bowel movements.
No less interesting, especially for women, pineapple can actually make the skin healthier and more beautiful. Pineapple contains enzymes that can make the skin elastic, increase skin hydration and remove damaged and dead skin cells. The enzymes in pineapple are also able to fight skin damage caused by free radicals and can eliminate dark spots and fine lines on the skin.
Now, with the myriad of benefits that exist in pineapple, let’s wait no more. Enjoy eating Pineapple fruit. (east)